Yining breathed a sigh of relief, and then said, "Jin se, I need your help now. I dare not use my ID card to buy tickets. Otherwise, Tang Xiao will find me sooner or later, and I dare not drive my own car. Can you lend me a car?"

Tang Jinshe can hear the helplessness in Yining's voice, which makes her feel very sad, for Yining and for Tang Xiao.

"Yining, for so many days, I thought you had accepted my brother."

Yining bit his lower lip: "Jin se, I know you will have a burden to see Tang Xiao after you help me, but now I can only find you, I really I really want to leave him. "

Tang Jinshe frowned, and after two seconds he said, "OK, I'll drive to find you."

After hanging up the phone, Tang left home in a car and headed for Yining.

Yining went back to K city to buy cell phones and phone cards directly. He didn't even return to the previous community. He found a dead end of monitoring and called Tang Jinshe, and then told him the address.

After about two hours, don Jinse came here in his car.

Yining looked at Tang Jinshe gratefully. "Thank you, Jinshe. I owe you something. I may not have a chance to pay it back in my life. I'm sorry. I'll go first."

Tang Jinshe looks at Yining's direction and sighs.

She didn't know whether she was right or wrong. Tang Xiao knew that she would blame her, but she couldn't turn a blind eye to Yining's help.

Maybe the two of them really have no fate.

Yining drove on the highway and drove all the way to a small town more than 200 kilometers away from K city.

Now, Tang Xiao can't find her.

Yining breathed a sigh of relief, and the fatigue of these days finally relaxed at this moment.

She first found a house in the small town, settled down, prepared to rest for a few days, and then find a job.


Tang Xiao returned to K city the day after he went to Paris. In fact, it's easy to find out the route of Yining. Even in foreign countries, it's real name system.

After an investigation, Tang Xiao knows that Yining is back in K city.

What a cunning woman. She's racking her brains to escape him.

Yining, I gave you a chance. This time, you must hide well and not be found by me.

Tang Xiao's heart was filled with waves of hate for drugs, and his heart ached as if there were a hole in it.

He clenched his hands tightly. It was the neck of the damned woman that he really wanted to squeeze.


Two days later

Yining had a rest and was ready to go out to find a job. Before he left the hostel, he heard the owner of the hostel chatting with his friends at the gate.

"Really, my husband recognized the car at a glance. It's said that it's the most expensive SUV on land. I forgot the name of Maybach G650."

"Why did such a big man suddenly come to our town? Go and have a look? "

"You'd better not go up. I heard that a lot of people have come. Look at that posture. Be honest."

When Yining heard this, a heart suddenly jumped up.

It's Tang Xiao. She doesn't need to think about it. It must be Tang Xiao.

He came so soon.

Yining fell into a panic, and her ears echoed what Tang Xiao had said to her before she went to Paris.

"Yining, I'll give you one last chance. You'd better figure out if you can use my trust. If you want to escape this time, you'd better be smart. Don't let me find it."

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