If this time she was caught by Tang Xiao again, there would be no chance to escape.

Yining's body began to shake, but now it's not the time to be afraid. She bit her lower lip, and her heart read electricity. Then she immediately came to the gate and forced her voice to say as usual: "Madame, I want to check out."

The owner's wife said: "check out? Did you find the house? "

Yining smiled and shook his head: "I don't want to rent a house. I'm going to Phoenix Mountain for two days, and then I'll see if there are any other places for fun. Do you have any recommendations for the owner's wife?"

The landlady thought about it and said enthusiastically, "yes, there is a Sanyang ranch in D city. You can go there and play. Now young people like to go there."

"Well, I'll go to Phoenix Mountain first, and then Sanyang ranch." Yining said with a smile, then went through the check-out formalities and left.

After a while, several women in black suits came over, and then took out a picture of Yining and asked the owner: "have you seen this man?"

The owner's mother looked stunned. She could see that the people in front of her were not easy to provoke, so she nodded and told the truth.

"See you Yes, she just checked out from us. "

The man in black asked again, "have you said where?"

The landlady opened her mouth and said, "go Phoenix Mountain. "

"Thank you." Then the man in black left, took out his cell phone and dialed a series of numbers.

"Master, Miss Yining has just retired from a house and gone to Phoenix Mountain."

On the other side, the handsome face of Tang Xiao's cloudy city was suddenly covered with a cold smile.

Phoenix Mountain?

"Master, I'm going to Phoenix Mountain to find someone."

Tang Xiao said in a cold voice, "no, people are still here. I want to see them before dark."

Then Tang Xiao hung up.

As Tang Xiao guessed, Yining did not leave here. She deliberately left a false message to lead Tang Xiao away.

This meeting, dodged Tang Xiao's person, she hid in a small island of Yanghe.

The Yanghe River is very big, but the island is very small. It is only a few meters around. There is nothing on it except a maple tree.

Yining is hiding in the woods, holding his knees and waiting nervously. I hope it's dark, and Tang Xiao leaves.

On the other side, Tang Xiao's people searched the whole town, but they couldn't find Yining's figure.

"Master, has Miss Yining left?"

Tang Xiao's quiet sight fell into the distance, the cold voice said: "on the mountain, in the water, have you found it all?"

The other replied, "I found it on the mountain, but I can't hide people in the water."

Tang Xiao started to walk towards the bridge of the Yanghe River.

He stood on the bridge and looked out into the distance, and his eyes fell on the island.

The small island of bazhang is full of trees. Although it's winter, it's very dense. It's really a good place for Tibetans.

Tang Xiao hooked his lips and called his subordinates: "prepare the ship."

"Yes." My subordinates responded and soon rented a small kayak.

Tang Xiao sat on the kayak and got closer to the island.

Yining was still hidden in the woods, holding himself tightly, so he was afraid of being found and listened to the outside voice with high concentration.

But all of a sudden, I heard something louder and louder

Then, it's like someone's landed.

She sat there, motionless, her back perspiring.

Ear, footsteps gradually close, close

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