Around the quiet place, the sound of footsteps is very obvious. Once, it's not urgent. It's like boiling frog's warm water. As the sound gets louder and louder, it's like the water's temperature gets higher and higher. Yining's scalp starts to burn

It must be Tang Xiao. It's him!

She curled up on the cold ground and closed her eyes in despair. After a long time, she looked up as if she had given up her life. Then she saw the tall body of Tang Xiao standing in front of her.

Behind him, there seems to be a black mist, which slowly turns into a pair of black wings and unfolds behind him.

Such a Tang owl is like the Satan who led a group of fallen angels to betray heaven and went to hell without hesitation

After all, I still can't escape from the devil's palm.

Tang Xiao stood there and stared at her. He had a panoramic view of Yining's embarrassment at the moment. The handsome face was as calm as the darkness before the dawn. It seemed that it was gestating a kind of strong and impending outbreak.

For a long time, Tang Xiaocai stepped forward again, step by step came to Yining's face, squatted down, raised his hand, some rough palms gently covered Yining's cheek, and slowly stroked.

"I found you."

His voice was so soft that there was nothing but evil in it.

But Yining could hear his pride again, as if to say to her, Yining, you see, I can always find you, you can't escape.

Yining's body began to shiver uncontrollably, and her bloodless lips were too white to be white any more.

On his head, there was once again the voice of Tang Xiao, which was light and cruel: "from K city to Paris, from Paris to Provence, and then from Provence to K City, but Yining, you still didn't escape. Why didn't you obey?"

Why don't you stay with me?

Haven't you had enough of those pains?

Yining tensed every nerve, and suddenly laughed out. The laughter was misty as smoke, as if the wind had blown away.

She raised her eyes and looked at Tang Xiao with red eyes. The bottom of her eyes was full of rebellion and contempt: "do you want to know? Tang Xiao, you should know that I don't love you at all. I seduced you, climbed into your bed, conceived your children and killed them. You are retaliating. How can you not know that you are so smart? "

When Yining said these words, the pure eyes like a baby were full of complacency and ridicule, but the smile on the corner of his mouth was very enchanting.

Yining's smile and cruel words cut off the remaining peace of Tang Xiao like a knife, bursting out the anger and bloodthirsty ferocity that destroyed everything in the world.

He grabbed Yining's wrist, ignored her struggle completely, got up and walked away as if carrying a lifeless toy.


Western suburb villa

Tang Xiao throws Yining on the bed, and then presses down heavily. He doesn't give Yining a chance to breathe. It seems that he wants to tear her up, swallow her into his stomach, stained with blood and bone

For seven days and nights, Yining finally fell asleep in the endless torment.

Yining slept for a long time. She slept all day and all night. In her dream, there was a fierce beast chasing her all the time. There seemed to be exits everywhere, but she had nowhere to hide. She could not escape from the claws of the beast

Finally at 8 o'clock the next night, Yining opened her eyes. When she woke up, the sheets under her body were all wet.

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