Yining's belly is close to Tang Xiao's lower body, struggling with all his strength. However, Tang Xiao's voice sounds like iron: "I only like to go crazy with you, Yining, I only like to sleep with you..."

Speaking of this, Tang Xiao suddenly released Yining.

Yining steps backward with inertia, and sees Tang Xiao sitting down beside the bed, then takes a picture of his position.

It's hateful that he looks like an ancient emperor waiting for his concubine to go to bed.

Yining was disgusted for a while, his brows and heart were frowning. He stood still and said angrily, "do you know what you look like now, Tang Xiao?"

Tang Xiao smiled indifferently: "lunatic, abnormal, insane, devil, did you tell me long ago?"

"You look like a rascal!" Yining said white Tang Xiao's eyes, don't cross your face and don't want to talk to him again.

How can there be such a person in the world? He looks like a serious human being. His heart is rotten. He only thinks about those things all day. The rascal in the brain of the Jingchong is blind.

Yining hates the stomach Fei, the ear rang Tang Xiao's laugh: "yes, I am a rascal, I like to play rascal as soon as I see you, come quickly."

Yining was so angry that he was shameless to the extreme.

Seeing Yining standing still, Tang Xiao patted the position beside him: "come on, I'm going to play a rogue. You'd better take the initiative and don't force me to pass. Don't you like being forced? Then take the initiative. "

"Don't you want to be shameful, Tang Xiao?" Yining now feels like he's hit cotton in a circle and is dead.

Tang Xiao has not seen such an angry Yining for a long time. He is very happy. Even just because he was accosted, Yining showed indifference. He will let it go.

He raised his red lips, and the corners of his lips raised a sinister arc: "what face should I have as a rogue?"

Yining: "..."

She has nothing to say to such a person.

With a disgusting look at Tang Xiao, Yining went out.

"Where are you going?" Tang Xiao's voice rang out in a steady manner.

Yining's step is sluggish.

Yes, Tang Xiao doesn't leave. Where can she go?

She has no right to go anywhere.

The anger at the bottom of my heart was replaced by sorrow again. Yining lowered his head and the breath around him became quiet again.

Tang Xiao frowned. He was able to talk back just now. What happened?

He got up, turned Yining's body, looked at her up and down, and smiled, "why don't you talk? If you don't talk, I'm going to play the hooligan. "

Yining's head is still down. It's very quiet.

Tang Xiao Mo frowned more and more tightly. He raised Yining's chin with a big hand, and then bowed his head and kissed him.

Yining is no longer struggling, and he accepts Tang Xiao's breath.

Tang Xiao's heart grew restless. He seemed to be running after Yining. Just when he met her hand, she left him again.

It's a terrible feeling.

Tang Xiao suddenly released Yining's lips, turned around and strode into the bathroom, slamming the door.

Yining is a little relieved, but

He's so moody all day. He's really a psychopath.

Yining glared angrily at the door of the bathroom, bit his lower lip, walked over to sit down on the sofa and cursed Tang Xiao.

However, as soon as she calmed down, the words of Su Weijun and Zhou Lai would ring in her ear again somehow.

In the future, there will only be more and more women like Su Weijun and Zhou Lai. Maybe Tang Xiao will soon meet the women he is interested in.

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