Yining felt that today's Tang Xiao was really in debt. He grudged, "be your sister."

Tang Xiaodun said, "then Fu Jin can't kill me?"

Yining: "..."

Tang Xiao looked at Yining's face red with anger and could not say a word. He was in a good mood. He sat down again, extended his long arm and put Yining on his leg. His big hand was tightly tied to Yining's slender waist like a pair of pliers, which made her unable to stand up.

Yining is so angry that he wants to kill Tang Xiao. Why is he such a bastard today?

"Tang Xiao, you don't..."

"I know. I don't want to be ashamed." Tang Xiao replied like a stream. He didn't care.

No shame, no shame, no less meat.

Yining is really speechless. He doesn't care how to say it. He has the same thick skin as the wall. This kind of person is really helpless.

She turned her face away from him, but Tang Xiao had the means to drive her crazy.

"Don't wear your clothes either." Tang Xiao said this without warning, and suddenly raised his hand to untie the button at Yining's neck.

Yining instinctively raises his hand to stop them. They fight on the sofa and finally rush to the ground together

Yining's clothes are not preserved. They were torn down and thrown all over the place by Tang Xiao, and his own clothes are not needed.

It wasn't until more than an hour later, when a doorbell rang outside, that Tang Xiao could not help but let Yining go, and then picked her up and put her on the bed.

Looking at Yining's Scarlet cheek, Tang Xiao smiled happily: "we will continue after dinner."

Yining glares at Tang Xiao fiercely, but her eyes are full of spring water, which completely covers up the hatred. For Tang Xiao, Yining, who has eyes like silk at the moment, makes him not even want to eat dinner.

But also worried about her hunger, had to, Tang Xiao can only point to Yining maliciously, gnash teeth ground said: "after dinner to clean up you."

Then he picked up his robe and put it on, and went out.

After dinner, after washing, Tang Xiao really began to clean up Yining.

He was particularly excited tonight. He tossed Yining in all kinds of ways until it was light outside. Yining was free and fell asleep.

When he opened his eyes again, Yining's brain was blank. He had no idea what night it was.

She moved a little, then she was involved in the pain all over her body. In her mind, the crazy of Tang Xiao suddenly appeared, and her cheeks became hot.

After staring at the ceiling for a while, Yining found that this was neither Tang Xiao's home nor the hotel, and it was a completely strange environment for her.

She frowned, sat up with difficulty, looked around

Just then, the bedroom door opened, and the tall figure of Tang Xiao came in from outside.

Seeing Yining sitting on the bed in a daze, the quilt on his body slipped to his waist, showing the snow muscle of his upper body and all kinds of traces left by him, Tang Xiao's dark pupil suddenly shrank, and he came back in a state of apathy.

But he also knew that he tossed Yining last night. It would be a kind of Conscience Discovery. He took several deep breaths to calm himself down, and then walked to the bedside.

"When you wake up, eat first. It's a nice day outside today. Go out after eating."

Yining looked out of the window, but only saw the balcony and the blue sky outside. She couldn't help asking, "what's here?"

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