Although it's just a kiss, for Tang Xiao, who has been abstinent for a long time, even a kiss that skims the water is undoubtedly the fuse, which ignites his desire in an instant.

"Damn it!" Tang Xiao bit his teeth and cast a low spell.

Yining frowned and looked at him sideways: "what's the matter?"

Tang Xiao's breathing became heavy, the blood in his body rolled and flowed to a place. He looked at Yining like a hungry wolf Wolf hungry for several days.

Yining understood at once.

She opened her mouth awkwardly, and the two hurriedly stood up to open the distance between them. "Well, it's not early, I'm going to have a rest, so do you."

With that, she turned to the other side of the stairs, and the pace was faster under her feet. "Deng Deng Deng" went up the stairs and went back to the room. She locked her door, which was a sigh of relief.

It's dangerous to watch a movie with Tang Xiao.

She raised her hand and touched her cheek. It was hot and her heart was beating fast.

I think it was just run.


The next morning, when Yining packed up and went out, he happened to see Tang Xiao coming out of the guest room.

When the two met in mid air, Yining immediately lowered his eyes and said silently, "I'm going to an interview today."

Tang Xiao coughed softly: "so fast?"

Yining nodded. "Well, I sent you my resume last night."

Tang Xiao replied softly, "OK."

Yining went down directly over him.

After breakfast, she drove away directly. First she went to find Tang Jinshe, and then she arrived at the interview company.

I interviewed two companies in the morning, but they were not very satisfactory.

At lunch time, she received a call again, so at two o'clock in the afternoon, she went to the animation company called Fengrui for an interview.

There were a lot of people coming for the interview. Yining waited outside for a while and went straight in.

As soon as he was seated, Hao Cheng, an experienced personnel officer, asked, "Yining?"

Yining sat upright and nodded.

"I have read your resume and your works. I like them very much, so welcome to join our company." Hao Cheng said, reaching out to Yining.

Yining stood up and shook hands with Hao Cheng. After confirming the working time, he went out.

Until she got on the bus, she still felt a little mysterious.

It's been a smooth interview so soon.

However, this time good, Yining immediately told the good news to Tang Jinse, and made an appointment with her to invite those friends of Hengyu to dinner in the evening.

After hanging up the phone, she thought about it, and then called Tang Xiao's number: "I've had a successful interview. I'll invite Hengyu's friends to dinner tonight, and I won't go back."

Tang Xiao's voice was cold: "Shen Feng, too?"

Yining sipped her lips: "he is also my friend, of course he will go."

After a silence, the voice of Tang Xiao came over the phone: "I know."

Yining hooked up her lips and hung up the phone directly. At 5:30 p.m., she left the company with everyone and went to a nearby hot pot shop to eat hot pot.

Those who came out for dinner were the ones who went to eat potted vegetables. Only Shen Feng was a man.

After sitting down, the big guy took off his clothes and began to order.

"Order a brain, tripe..."

"Boss, you're too greasy. Give me something plain." Liu Yun opens.

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