Shen Feng nodded and ordered some vegetables. Then he looked up at Yining: "what would you like to eat? Here you are. "

Yining smiled and was about to pick up the menu. A familiar figure came into her eyes.

Looking at it, Yining could not help frowning.

Tang Jinshe also followed Yining's eyes and saw Tang Xiao on one side.

What happened to him?

But unexpectedly, Tang Xiao walked this way, turned the corner directly, and then sat down at another table.

Look carefully. There are Fu Jinyan and Lu Sheng at the table of Tang Xiao. She doesn't know the other two people.

But Tang Jinshe knew that it was Gu chuyang and Du Hengsheng.

Fools can see that Tang Xiao came here because Yining was here, but he didn't expect to have a cover.

Those men are really in cahoots.

Tang Jinshe and Yining look at each other. They get up together and walk towards the other side.

On the other table

Du Hengsheng saw Tang Jinshe and Yining coming, and whispered, "come here, come here."

Tang Xiao's body immediately tensed up, only to hear the footsteps getting closer and closer. After a while, Tang Jinshe's voice began to ring.

"It's such a coincidence that some of you big men come out to eat hot pot?"

"Yes, what a coincidence!" Du Hengsheng plays haha.

Lu Sheng nodded: "it's a coincidence."

Fu Jin Yan and Tang Xiao don't talk, while Gu chuyang nods in silence.

Tang Xiao looked back and said, "you are here, too?"

Yining looked at Tang Xiao's poor acting skills and was angry and laughed: "OK, stop acting. You think Jin Se and I are fools?"

Tang Xiao insisted that his acting skills were very good without any flaws: "what do you mean by that? Can't we come out to the party and have hot pot? "

Yining bit his teeth and nodded: "OK, you can eat. Let's go

"Good." Tang Jinshe stares at Tang Xiao and leaves with Yining.

Tang Xiao was angry when he saw Tang jinsher's nostril angry with Yining. He stared at Fu Jin and said, "take care of your daughter-in-law. Turn your elbow out."

Fu Jin said: "Yining is her sister-in-law. How can she count on turning her elbow out when she stands over her sister-in-law?"

This is to please Tang Xiao: "this is also."

Looking back at Yining's direction, he saw Shen Feng there, and Tang Xiao thought it was a hindrance.

After a while, he turned back to look at Du Hengsheng and asked, "do you have another way? I don't see much progress in just preparing surprise gifts. "

Du Hengsheng opened his mouth and said, "you can flirt with other women and deliberately stimulate her. I'll tell you that as long as she gets angry, it means that she cares about you. When you get one, it's the best move."

Tang Xiao thought that Su Weijun had told Yining that he liked him before, but Yining didn't respond.

Is it because he didn't play?

Tang Xiao nodded, paused a moment, couldn't help joking: "you are really an old lover."

The eyes of the other three also fell on Du Hengsheng.

Du Hengsheng swept around and said, "you don't have to laugh at me. Mr. Fu is OK. He's married now. Before, he also asked me for advice."

"As for Dr. Lu and Mr. Gu..."

Du Hengsheng said here, with a sneer: "I didn't laugh that you two are single dogs. You are not qualified to laugh at me."

Gu chuyang nodded: "it's true, you are still powerful."

Du Hengsheng: "..."

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