Yining's chest was blocked. Suddenly, she was so upset that she couldn't say another word.

Tang Xiao quickly hugged her and put his hand on her back to make her happy.

"Let's talk about it later. Don't be angry. You have children in your stomach."

The two words of the child reminded Yining not to worry any more, but the knot in her heart was still unsolvable.

"I want to see Guo Ying." She buried her head and gasped. No matter how horrible the details Guo said, she wanted to know how her brother died at that time.

She didn't want IMER to die in such a way.

But Tang Xiao didn't agree immediately. He frowned and his face was deep.

Yining is still pregnant now. If Guo Ying says something exciting to her, he can't guarantee that Yining won't be angry.

"She won't leave for a while. You should take care of the baby in your stomach first. I'll arrange for you to see her when you're in a better mood."

Tang Xiao doesn't plan to let Yining see Guo Ying. Guo Ying says she saw how Yimo died with her own eyes. If she told Yining the horrible and bloody picture at that time, how could Yining bear it.

"I'm going now!" Yining is extremely stubborn.

Whether before or now, she was so stubborn that he couldn't help it.

"No way." Tang Xiao's attitude became tough. He couldn't watch her faint again.

Yining looked sideways at him, and suddenly felt that the man in front of him was particularly hypocritical.

"Why, are you so afraid that she will expose the dirty things you have done to IMER in front of me?"

Tang Xiao frowns. When did he do something dirty to Yimo?

From the fact that Yimo was detected by the company's insiders that he had a problem, before they had a thorough investigation, others would have run away, and he had no time to do anything to him.

Later, he colluded with those people and nearly killed several of their brothers. Things were out of control. Would he stand still and wait for him to retaliate without any defensive actions?

But Tang Xiao couldn't explain these words to Yining. She didn't understand what kind of difficult situation they were in at that time.

He is not only himself, he has tens of thousands of employees in his hand, as well as his brothers who have lived and died with him. He can't leave them behind, he can only cut off the contact with another group of people from Yimo, so as to save all of them.

But Yining's heart is only her brother. He can understand her mood, but wrong is wrong. Even if it's repeated, he doesn't regret making such a decision.

In fact, when he made a decision, Yimo had already fallen downstairs and died. Although it was an accident, it was true, as Yining said, if he didn't follow him so closely, Yimo might not die so easily.

"You retaliated on me, Yining. We've already paid it off, haven't we?" Tang Xiao asked her.

Yining's eyes were slightly opened, and the tears at the bottom of his eyes flashed with confusion and surprise.

It's paid off. Is it paid off?

Yining's heart ached: "that's a human life. Is it still clear?"

Tang Xiao took a deep breath and asked, "isn't our first child human?"

If she didn't listen to Guo Ying at that time, or ask him, he would take her to the best and most authoritative doctor for her examination, and she would not be so easily fooled at that time.

Their first child may be older than Tang jinsher's twin brothers.

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