Yining fell down on the chair, her eyes aching and dejected.

Yeah, isn't their child also a human life?

If she didn't plan to revenge Tang Xiao at that time, would she step on the operating table at Guo Ying's instigation when she heard that her child had problems?

No, she won't.

Even if the child really has a problem, at least at that time she will not immediately follow Guo Ying, she may leave the child.

Yining clenched her fists and wept bitterly.

No matter her brother or her children, they are all her close relatives. It's hard for her to lose anyone, let alone two.

Her revenge turned into a funny joke, which not only didn't hurt anyone, but also tortured herself to the ground. Who is to blame?

Tang Xiao came forward and held her tightly, letting her cry in her arms. The more she struggled, the tighter he held her.

Yining failed to see Guo Ying. At such a time, it is absolutely impossible for Tang Xiao to let her see her.

Because she has a baby in her stomach, Tang Xiao calls Mr. Feng Ruiyang and asks him to ask Yining for a two-year holiday. After she has given birth to her baby, she can go back to work.

After listening to Tang Xiao's order, Yang Laoer was full of black lines, and he didn't say a word, even wanted to scold his mother.

He has run the company for so many years, but he has never seen a leave for two years.

Is temoynin pregnant with his dragon seed? The body is so delicate!

heart in mind, in fact, where do Yang dare not agree, and after Tang owl finished, he was busy laughing and admending: "good, make complaints about Tang, as long as I Yang Lao ER in a day, miss Yining's work will never lose, you put one thousand and two hundred hearts!"

Hang up the phone, Tang Xiao Yang lip looks at Yining, the meaning in the eyes is obvious: see, I'll give you a phone call, you don't need to go to other places to find a job in the future.

Yining turned away from the complacency on his face.

When Tang Xiao called, almost everyone knew that Yining was pregnant.

Tang Jinshe said that he would come to see her after this period of time. Even Tang Xiao's parents, grandparents and grandfathers were clamoring to visit Yining.

Even Lin Wan has contacted Tang Jinshe's wedding team to prepare for Tang Xiao's and Yining's wedding.

Yining instinctively conflicts when she hears the word "wedding". She won't marry Tang Xiao. There is a deep feud between her and him. Even if she is pregnant with his children, she can't marry him willingly.

There was a lot of noise at home, but they were still cold and clean here.

During this period, Tang Xiao pushed a lot of work. Now, taking advantage of Yining's daily peace of mind to raise a baby at home, he quickly dealt with all the things in the company.

Su Weijun walked in with seven inch high-heeled shoes. Recently, she walked more and more like that in high-heeled shoes.

The dressing style is no longer as careless as before. It starts to dress up for mature women. Let alone, it's a bit of a woman.

A document was placed on the table in front of the Tang Xiao. The Tang Xiao lifted his eyelids and glanced at her. "Well," he said, ignoring her.

"Have you dealt with all the affairs of president Tang's family?" Su Weijun didn't plan to leave so soon. He stood at the table of Tang Xiao, with one hand on the edge of the table. He couldn't express all kinds of customs.

Tang owl raised her head, but she could smell her pungent perfume. She frowned and said, "you spilled mosquito repellent and toilet water? How can it smell so bad. "

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