Su Weijun's face was a little ugly at the moment. He explained to himself: "what kind of toilet water is it? I spray perfume."

His hands were so angry that he hugged his chest and whispered, "it's a straight man. He plays the piano against the ox when he says it."

Tang Xiao snorted coldly and looked at her up and down with interest: "you? Spray perfume? Come on, I don't know what you love. When did you like perfume? "

Su Weijun's face was slightly stiff and embarrassed: "can't I learn to spray now? You have to sign those documents quickly so that I can talk to them. "

Tang Xiao bowed his head and picked up the document Su Weijun had put in front of him. He opened it and looked carefully. The more he looked, the more he frowned.

"Who talked about these items? There are some unclear terms in the contract, so you can bring them to me for signature?" Tang Xiao looked up and looked at Su Weijun coldly. "What's the matter with you recently? You wouldn't have made such a low-level mistake before. "

Su Weijun took the document back from his hand and looked at it from top to bottom. As Tang Xiao said, there are several items that are really ambiguous. If they sign like this, when there is a problem, the other party will blame them. They have no room to fight back.

"I'll take it out and talk to the Warsaw boss again." Su Weijun is going to leave, but Tang Xiao stops her at this time.

"You don't have to go. Make an appointment with the chairman of Warsaw. I'll talk to him personally."

Su Weijun's eyes brightened. Tang Xiao hasn't been staring at the project in person for a long time. If he goes out in person, he will get twice the result with half the effort. Besides, she can be with him tonight.

Su Weijun secretly thought that Tang Xiao didn't know, but when she left again, he stopped her again: "by the way, don't make an appointment tonight, I will accompany Yining to the hospital for pregnancy test today."

As soon as the word pregnancy test came out, Su Weijun seemed to be frozen and petrified. He could not move his limbs and was in the same place.

"Is there anything else?" Seeing that she hasn't left, Tang Xiao looks up at her doubtfully.

It took a lot of effort for Su Weijun to finally make his expression look less rigid.

"No, I'm just curious. You said to accompany Yining for pregnancy test. It's Yining Are you pregnant again? "

When she was in Norway, Yining killed her and Tang Xiao's children. It was also very popular among their subordinates.

As Tang Xiao's secretary, she once worked with his colleagues and listened to them a lot.

After Yining left, everyone thought that although Tang Xiao was severely hit, he would never meet Yining again in his life.

But I didn't think how long they had come back. Tang Xiao mobilized all the people to find her several times. At last, the two people couldn't get rid of each other's entanglement.

Tang Xiao nodded. "Well," he said. There's nothing to hide. Now Yining has him and the people around him watching. He will never let her go wrong again.

Although the answer is certain, Su Weijun's face turns white when he hears it.

"Congratulations, when do you have the wedding banquet? But don't forget me. " Suweijun asked deliberately.

When it comes to the wedding banquet, the soft temperature on Tang Xiao's face has receded.

Now Yining's hate for him is only growing. Although she is very clever in front of him, who knows what she is thinking.

He would not ask her to marry before she accepted him completely.

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