"Yining, what do you think?" Lin Wan suddenly turns around and asks Yining, who has discussed the results. One is to let Yining go back to the Tang family. Their whole family helps take care of her.

The second is to keep her in the manor, but some of their old people will visit her regularly.

Tang Xiao is waiting for her final answer.

No matter how they discuss, the final result can only be decided by Yining himself.

Yining felt very warm, but she was afraid that this kind of warmth was a kind of illusion. She was afraid that one day it would leave her and disappear and never find again.

What's more, she still feels guilty to the Tang family, and she can't really get into it.

What's more, she's just pregnant. Isn't she Tang Xiao's girlfriend?

Where has the girlfriend to be imprisoned everyday, where also has the girlfriend to be able to commit suicide in the boy's home?

So, except for the children in her belly, they didn't meet at all.

Yining has been determined to leave for a long time. She will not give up even if she is now in prison.


"I'd better stay here." She made a final answer.

Lin Wan and his grandparents both feel sorry. In fact, they want Yining to live with them, so that they can feel how Yining's children grow up day by day.

They don't want to miss the wonderful feeling of life growth.

But Yining has made a decision, and they are not strong enough. They have to visit her and her children regularly according to the discussion just now.

Before the Tang family left, Yining asked Tang Jinshe, "why don't you bring the morning and evening with you?"

Last evening, I fell at Yining's feet and cried, which made Yining unable to put down the little guy.

"When we came here, their brothers were still sleeping. Mom said don't disturb them. We won't bring them. If you miss them, I'll bring them to play with you next time." Said Tang.

Yining smiles. She is not so expensive. She needs two young masters to play with her.

"By the way, how is that woman now?" Asked Tang in a low voice.

Last time Tang Jinshe came to the manor to play with him, Guo Ying was still there.

"She Your brother took it. " Yining is concise and comprehensive. She doesn't want to say anything to Tang jinshedo. Guo Ying's means are too dirty, so don't let such a beautiful girl know.

But Tang Jinshe saw through all: "last time I fell down in the evening, I was standing at the door of the bathroom and saw her kick on my son's ass with my own eyes."

Yining's eyes opened wide in shock. She always thought it was her fault that made her fall at dusk. Unexpectedly

Guo Ying is so vicious that she can't even let go of a child!

Yining gets angry between his eyes and eyebrows. He wants to find Guo Ying and confront her face to face.

What she did to her, Yining can be relieved, but why she should do such a vicious thing to a child less than one year old!

"So I later reminded you to be careful with her, but I was curious. What did she do and my brother caught her?"

Tang Jinshe didn't know Tang Xiao's means, but Fu Jinyan's means she had seen.

Today's Tang Xiao is more terrible than Fu Jinyan. She can't imagine what he will do to Guo Ying.

But Guo Ying must have done something to violate the bottom line of Tang Xiao, and then he will be taken by Tang Xiao mercilessly.

Although Tang Jinse can imagine, after all, she can do even the things of kicking children and slandering Yining. What else can she not do?

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