Yining pursed her lips and thought of the sad things again. She had a sudden pain in her chest.

"She I changed my pregnancy test sheet, took a fake test sheet and told me that my child was not healthy, would experience a lot of pain, and finally died... "

Yining's voice is so calm, but in words, her emotions are trapped in the original endless vortex of pain.

Tang Jinse opened his mouth in amazement. After the shock, he was very angry, and his voice could not help catching a few shivers: "why does she do this?"

Isn't she Yining's good friend? Why do you do this to her!

That woman is terrible!

Yining eyes a astringent, the corner of the eye red up, inhaled the nose, try to control their emotions: "because she likes your brother."

Tang Jinshe was shocked again. His lips were bitter and close together. For a while, he didn't know what to say.

It turns out that love begets hate, and love begets envy, which makes a person become such a madman.

"Where has she been taken by my brother now?" Tang asked again.

Tang Xiao cares so much about his and Yining's first child. Guo Ying uses such despicable means to get rid of their children. Will Tang Xiao let her go?

Yining shook his head: "I don't know. She was taken away by your brother's men."

As for where she took it, whether to stay in China or send it abroad, she did not know, nor did Tang Xiao tell her.

Tang Jinshe sighed and stared at Yining's stomach and comforted him: "don't be too sad. Although you and my brother's first child are gone, you see, you have a new life right away. Maybe this is the child you left carelessly for fun last time. He came to see you and my brother again, didn't he?"

Yining looked down at his flat stomach without a trace of fat, and a wry smile rose from the corner of his mouth.

After sending Tang Jinshe and Lin Wan away, Yining returned home and asked Tang Xiao, who was beside her, "where did you take Guo Ying?"

If it wasn't for Tang Jinshe to ask, she would not even remember where she was going.

Mentioning that ruthless and vicious woman, Tang Xiao's eyes turned cold, and his voice grew cold with Yin: "ask her what to do?"

He wanted to cut her to pieces and throw her into the river to feed the sharks.

Yining shook his head lightly: "just now, Jin se asked me. By the way, you don't want to say it."

Tang Xiao looked at the back of her departure, and his eyebrows were tinged with cold air.

When she is pregnant, Yining is not allowed to go anywhere. She doesn't cry or make trouble. It's useless to struggle. It's better to stay here and raise her baby properly.

Tang Xiao doesn't have time to accompany her. His company has many things to do. Yining has opened a plot of land in the garden by herself. Anyway, there are a lot of land here. She follows the video of planting vegetables from the mobile phone mountain and carefully learns how to plant them.

Many of the domestic servants came from the countryside. Seeing that she was busy inside and outside, she was also interested in following her behind to help.

"Miss Yining, the soil needs to be turned over. Only when it's soft can the seeds be planted."

"Miss Yining, the seed can't be sown like this. It's not enough. Come on, look, dig a pit here, sow the seed, cover it with thin soil and water it. It will germinate in a few days."

Yining was very surprised. He studied with the servant and saw that there was not much ground left. He drove the servant away to work alone.

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