In the face of Yining's serious questions, amo lost his voice, looked at his nose, nose and heart, indifferent as a human body machine, or a machine with a large body size.

After waiting for a long time for amo's answer, Yining asked in a fog: "why don't you talk? Is that dumb? "

AMO: "Miss Yining should be practical and realistic. I am selective and silent, not mute. The mute you said has the nature of personal attack. You should pay attention to words next time."

After that, he closed his mouth again and said nothing, as if a key activated the silence mode, leaving Yining how to ask her, she did not speak.

Yining felt that he was chatting with a robot, but it was still a malfunctioning machine.

The heart tired with the hand to support forehead, no longer pay attention to her to the direction of the kitchen.

AMO is really inseparable from her, blackberry sisters with her, at least will give her a little space, but amo really does not give a little space.

I don't know if amo will stand by her toilet when she goes to the toilet.

Yining shuddered at the thought of the picture.

Can't help looking back and asking amo behind me, "do you want to sleep next to me when I sleep at night?"

If so, Tang Xiao can only sleep next door.

If you think about it, it's not bad. Otherwise, she will be scorched by Tang Xiao's body like a stove all night. Sooner or later, she will be scorched to death.

However, Tang Xiao would hug her tightly in his arms and sleep every night. He slept very comfortably, but she slept very hard.

A Mo lightly frowns, after thinking for a few seconds, the honest answer: "that depends on the instructions of the young master."

So it's not absolute.

Yining understood. Amo was like a machine. She could only control Tang Xiao. There was no order from Tang Xiao. Even if there was a wall in front of her, she could not miss it.

"He's a really obedient man." Yining breathed out a deep breath and started to make what the baby could eat.

"Miss Yining, it's too early for you to do these. When the baby is born, breast-feeding is usually enough." Zhang Ma thinks it's good to leave this kind of work to their servants. Miss Yining doesn't have to do it herself.

But she has this heart. It's hard to be a good mother.

"It doesn't matter. I'm learning now. When the child grows up, I'll make it for him."

Mainly, Yining thought that if she left Tang Xiao and didn't have many servants to serve her, she would have to cook for her children.

If there is nothing then, how can she raise her children?

Zhang Ma didn't know what she was thinking. She tried her best to teach her when she was eager to learn.

Although they are servants, everyone has their own craft. Others may not be willing to teach it, but the master of the family wants to learn, but they are not reluctant to teach.

I don't worry that the owners will pass it on when they learn.

Yining is cooking food with Zhang Ma here. Amo is watching. She doesn't help or do anything else. Her task is to protect Yining and help her fight. It's not in her task.

Not long ago, there was a sound of closing the door upstairs. Yining looked out. Su Weijun seemed to come out of Tang Xiao's study.

"If Miss Yining cares, she can go out and have a look." Amo Again.

Yining retracts her head. Now she seems to find a way to deal with amo. That is, no matter what she said before, she will not go back and amo will not talk about it.

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