This method worked very well. Without Yining's response, amo closed his mouth as expected.

Yining pretends that she doesn't care about anything, but she doesn't expect that Su Weijun will come to the kitchen to find her.


Yining looked up at suweijun. She still had white flour in her hand. She didn't wipe it off or talk to her in another place.

"What is it?" Yining's eyes fell on Su Weijun. There was nothing unusual on her face. The clothes on her body But it's a little messy.

In Yining's mind, Su Weijun might have happened with Tang Xiao upstairs, which made him more and more sad.

"Nothing. I saw that Tang Xiao was hurt, so I came to see if you are OK." Su Weijun smiles at her.

Obviously, it's a pretty smile, but Yining looks very dazzling.

Tang Xiao's injury is behind him. If he doesn't take off his clothes, he can't see where the injury is. If Su Weijun knew, would they

The more Yining thought about it, the worse he felt.

Gently pulled the corner of his mouth: "I'm ok. It's Tang Xiao who stopped me."

Su Weijun suddenly nodded: "it's so. Then you have to treat him well. Except for me, I haven't seen him care so much about a woman."

Su Weijun said, pointing to the gate: "I'll go first. I'm here to report my work. There are still a lot of things waiting for me in the company. President Tang is injured. I have to help him deal with those things he didn't have time to deal with."

Yining gently sips her lips, and Su Weijun leaves without waiting for her to agree.

When she walked away, the voice of AMO behind her sounded: "she didn't tell the truth."

Yining didn't care what amo said, and didn't want to answer her. This time amo said to himself, "except for Miss Kinsey, the young master only cares about you."

Yining's heart beat was fast again, but no matter what amo said, the uncomfortable feeling that suweijun left in her heart could not be eliminated.

She lowered her head and kneaded a little.

Thinking of what, he asked amo sarcastically, "don't you like to tell the truth? Why didn't you expose the fact that she didn't tell the truth in front of her? "

She would like to see how Su Weijun would behave if amo told her lie in front of him.

"She doesn't deserve it." Amoque said.

Yining stops and looks back at amo.

AMO said coldly, "not everyone deserves to listen to my truth."

She doesn't speak in front of anyone, so amo is a cold and hard man like a stone in many people's eyes.

Some people even think she is dumb and can't speak naturally.

Yining couldn't help laughing out: "so, should I feel lucky to hear your big truth?"

AMO nodded and said seriously, "yes, but you are entitled to listen to my truth only because you are a young master's woman."

The implication is that if she has nothing to do with Tang Xiao, she, like Su Weijun, is not worthy to hear her say a word.

Yining's mood just improved, and suddenly down to the extreme.

It wasn't until Tang Xiao's phone rang and Yining's thoughts were returned.

Wash your hands and answer the phone.

"Come up." The general voice of Tang Xiao's command sounded, even though it was very quiet, but it still gave people a sense of urgency.

Yining didn't want to go up. She was so upset that she didn't know how to face him later.

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