Yining turned away, and then stood up from him.

"Where to?" Tang Xiao holds her hand and drags her away.

Yining turned around and asked him in a cold voice, "did you take a bath?"

Tang Xiao frowned.

"If you want to touch me, you'd better take a bath." She doesn't want him to smell like another woman. She will feel uncomfortable if she touches her.

"Why?" Tang xiaomou color hair tight, always think she is hinting what, "what do you mean?"

Yining's face was slightly white, and the unpleasant smell in the air made her feel stuffy.

Her eyes were fixed at a point under the table. Tang Xiao followed her eyes and soon found the silk scarf falling on the ground. The wrinkles between her eyebrows were deeper.

"What kind of ghost is that?" he said with a low curse

Yining looked at him as if he was mocking him for "pretending to be real.".

Tang Xiao's face grew darker and darker. He grabbed the phone and called the servant downstairs: "come up, clean up!"

After hanging up the phone, Tang Xiao responded to the meaning of Yining's words, and his boredom was eliminated.

Pointing to the scarves on the ground, she asked, "are you jealous of that?"

Yining never used this kind of scarves. Tang Xiao was the most clear. Su Weijun's recent performance was also in his eyes.

Although she didn't pay attention to whether Su Weijun wore a silk scarf, it was her.

Yining's face flashed a touch of unnatural, turned around and refused to admit: "jealous? No interest. "

She's full. She's okay. She's jealous?

"Since I'm not jealous, why do I care so much about what others left behind?" When Tang Xiao inquired, he felt more and more interesting.

Maybe Gu chuyang is right. Find a woman to stimulate her. If she is jealous, it means that her heart cares about him.

Yining whispered "boring" and didn't want to argue with him.

Tang Xiao was in a happy mood. Before the servant came up to clean up, he whispered to her ear, "you can't let me take a bath, but are you sure you're ok?"

Yining made a big red face, got up, walked aside and sat down, far away from him.

Men's brain, as expected, there is no time not to think about those things without nutrition.

"What are you doing that far away?" Tang Xiao frowned discontentedly. He asked her to come up, but he didn't let her so far away from him.

Yining didn't plan to move.

"I'm sorry. I have a problem. I have a problem. If you're not afraid of your child's accident, just let it go."

Yining is a little annoyed. Hasn't suweijun satisfied him yet? As long as she was gone, he went mad again.

Men are big pig hooves!

Tang Xiao came over and sat next to her again. He almost kept on whispering, "what are you thinking? I'm talking about the injury behind me. Are you sure the bath won't affect my injury?"

There was a narrow smile in his eyes. It was obvious that he was deliberately playing tricks on her, but Yining really had nothing to do with him.

Soon, she thought of the contents of counterattack in her mind, and her mouth raised a sneer and said: "Bathing will affect your injury, and doing something will not."

Tang Xiao pretended not to understand the irony in her tone, and asked: "how do you know, or we will try to have an impact?"

He said and rushed to her. Yining cried out in fright. Outside the door, there was the footsteps of servants coming to clean up the study. If the servants could see it, how would she face all the people in the future?

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