Although her face had been lost, she could not bear the embarrassment she saw.

"Don't mess about, Tang Xiao!"

As Yining shouted, there was a knock on the door outside.

Yining's voice almost stopped abruptly, and he stared at Tang Xiao who was pressing on him.

Tang Xiao put one hand on the sofa and one hand around her waist for fear of crushing her waist and hurting her stomach.

The smile in the eyes is narrow and joyful, where there is a trace of confusion and embarrassment of being caught.

"Young master, may I come in?" Zhang Ma's voice sounded outside the door, and Tang Xiao's action remained the same. He shouted at the door, "come in."

Come in a ghost, he is still pressing on her now, does he think this posture is very good-looking?

Yining can't get up, and can't stand up hard. Only when Tang Xiao's voice just dropped, he immediately shouted at the door: "Mom Zhang, don't come in, wait a moment --"

push open some doors a little, and after hearing Yining's cry, he gently pulled back.

Accompanied by the head of a successful man happy laughter.

Yining grinds his teeth, and then hears Zhang Ma shouting at the door: "young master, Miss Yining, if it's inconvenient, I'll come back later?"



The two voices sounded at the same time. Zhang Ma was in a dilemma outside. She was in a dilemma and was at a loss.

I can only stand at the door and wait for the orders of the people inside.

"Tang Xiao, are you crazy? Get up! " Yining lowered his voice and shouted that Tang Xiao deliberately pressed her and didn't give her a chance to get up at all.

"Am I crazy, or are you crazy, eh?" Tang Xiao was not in a hurry, and his eyes were still full of laughter. "You asked Zhang Ma to wait at the door. Guess what she thought when she heard you screaming like this?"

Yining is really driven crazy by him. If he doesn't want to, he will bite his shoulder.

"Ah!" The man gave a low cry and got up.

Yining tried to get up quickly, but her stomach was too inconvenient, and her feet were on the ground for a long time, just like a turtle who was turned over and couldn't be turned back. Her movements were clumsy and lovely.

Tang Xiao wanted to tease her for a while, but he couldn't bear to see her so hard when he thought she had a stomach.

Reaching for her back, she sat up slowly.

Yining was "crossing the river and demolishing the bridge" together. He stood up and walked towards the door angrily.

"Yining." Tang Xiao subconsciously thought that she was going to leave and shouted. Yining just walked to the door and opened the door for Zhang ma. "Zhang Ma, come in."

Zhang Ma nodded and glanced at Yining. Her hair and clothes were in disorder, but it was normal.

When the young master is not happy, it's not the first time for them to move in front of Miss Yining.

"Young master, do you want to clean the whole study?" Zhang Ma asked, because the study is relatively large, it has been divided into several areas. In some places, the servants are not allowed to touch them at ordinary times, for fear of missing some important documents of Tang Xiao.


Zhang Ma starts to clean up, and Tang Xiao orders, "let someone bring air freshener."

After su Weijun came here, the taste of the study was really strange. Tang Xiao now remembered Yining's painful expression, and then understood what it meant.

"Good young master."

Tang Xiao pointed to the silk scarf under the desk and said, "it's suweijun's stuff. Let someone send it to her and tell her not to throw things around next time. It's easy for her to misunderstand."

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