"Dad, I'll go to the bathroom..."

Zhou Qian stands up and wants to keep up with Tang Jinshe.

After all, compared with here and the bathroom, it's more suitable for her to use her "fists and feet"!

"What's the hurry? You can go to the bathroom at any time, but Mr. Fu seldom comes here. You don't come here to talk with Mr. Fu quickly..."

But Zhou Ji turned his mind and stopped Zhou Qian. Then he winked at his daughter and pushed her to Fu Jin Yan's side.

Zhou Ji thinks that today must be his lucky day!

Because according to the information he has, there are some women close to Fu Jin Yan in recent years, and he has never heard that he has any real girlfriend

So right now, it's a godsend opportunity for him.

If his daughter can enter the eyes of Fu Jin Yan tonight, even if she can only become a short withered flower of explanation beside Fu Jin Yan, it will be enough for him to make use of this relationship and plan a better future for himself!

Of course, if Xiaoqian is ambitious enough to succeed in the long-term meal ticket of Fu Jin Yan and even marry into the Fu family, then such a large prosperous group Isn't there a place for him?

Zhou trace was more and more excited. Even in the future, Zhou Qian might be pregnant with Fu Jinyan's children, which had been thought of far away, leading him to look at Fu Jinyan and Zhou Qian with burning enthusiasm.

Daughter, daughter, the future glory and wealth, but it all depends on you?

Don't let Dad down

On this side, Zhou Ji prays with great "piety" in his heart. On the other end of the sofa, Zhou Qian holds her father's wine cup in her hand, but is full of anxiety.

"I'll give you a toast, Mr. Fu."

She did not dare to look at the handsome and cold man in front of her. When she spoke, she seemed to falter and cringe. She was totally different from the arrogance of Tang Jinshe when she was in trouble.

For Zhou Qian, Fu Jinyan is the kind of existence that she can't reach.

She admired him, but she never dared to get too close

Whether it's family background, appearance, ability, or other, this man at the top of the business world, no doubt, only the best and most glorious women deserve it!

And the once Tang Jinshe, it is enough to match with its existence.

But what about her?

At best, it can only be regarded as a green leaf beside the flower, which is used to set off the beautiful fragrance of others

Thinking of this, Zhou Qian's eyes began to float.

She doesn't want to be the inconspicuous green leaf over there. She also wants to be the dazzling flower, which is watched and adored by all the excellent men!

"Mr. Fu, I didn't expect to meet you here tonight. I was going to leave after the party with my friends, but I happened to see my dad's driver waiting for him outside. So I came here to have a look. I didn't expect to see not only you, but also the old classmates I haven't seen for many years?"

Seeing that Fu Jin Yan didn't answer, Zhou Qian stopped to drink the wine in the cup to embolden herself. Then, whether Fu Jin Yan was listening to her or not, she went on.

"Speaking of my old classmate, Tang Jinshe, she is now a frequent visitor to various entertainment clubs. I heard from other students that Tang Jinshe was often seen in the club recently."

Fu Jin Yan was tasting the wine in the cup. Hearing Zhou Qian's saying, there were several green tendons on the back of her bony hands.

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