Regular visitors to major entertainment clubs?

These two days did not appear in front of his eyes, it turned out to be running in such a place to mix!

"It's no surprise, after all, Tang Jinshe was liked by many male students in school before. It's also a normal phenomenon that she is welcomed by men here. But it's inevitable that a girl who has been in such a place alone for a long time will spread bad rumors, such as..."

"Like what?"

Fu Jinyan suddenly opens his mouth, but Zhou Qian is a little shocked. But when he looks at the man's expression, he is still cold and calm, so Zhou Qian is relieved, and his words are more unbridled.

It's said that Tang Jinshe and Fu Jinyan have fallen out for a long time. But once Fu Jinyan was good to Tang Jinshe, she had seen it with her own eyes. Such a cold and hard man would only smile at Tang Jinshe

Oh, those are just legends.

Now Fu Jin Yan, just saw the attitude himself, only when Tang Jinshe was a stranger.

"For example, some people say that in order to help Tang's group, Tang Jinshe is willing to become a senior hostess who lives among celebrities and rich people."

Senior hostess?

It's hard to say. It's no different from the low-level hostess who lives in the romantic places. It's just that the identity of the service object is a little higher!

Words fall, Zhou Qian feels the man's aura is more powerful and cold many, satisfied hook lips.

But one side of Zhou Ji couldn't help saying: "Xiaoqian, don't be shocked, toast Mr. Fu."

"Yes, I forgot such an important thing."

Zhou Qian immediately put up her glass and made a gesture to toast, but was disturbed by the sound of pushing the door. When she saw the visitor, she was stunned.

Ling Xue?

Today is really a day to meet old acquaintances.

Ling Xue's sight did not linger on Zhou Ji and Zhou Qian for too long, and then fell on the cold and noble man.

"Mr. Fu, I'm sorry. I'm late. There's a traffic jam."

The man did not have any response, Ling Xue immediately from the initiative to mature, pour himself a glass of wine, drive light familiar road to Zhou Qian.

"Xiaoqian? Long time no see, remember me? I'm ling Xue! Come on I salute you. "

"President Zhou? Uncle Zhou, I'm Xiaoqian's high school classmate. Well, I'm also the manager of the public relations department of Shengshi group. I'm respectful to you. Your temperament is really good. "


In the toilet of the club.

Tang Jinshe stood in front of the mirror, carefully wiping his mess with a tissue.

Although she is wearing a dark skirt today, the wine stained places are like ugly marks. She can't get rid of them if she wipes them

Don Kinser, you can do it.

My parents are still waiting for your good news!

Looking at himself in the mirror who looks a little embarrassed, Tang Jinshe tries to straighten his back, and then, like a drill, he hooks his lips and smiles at the mirror

It wasn't until she was satisfied with her proper posture that she turned back.

"I'm sorry. I've been in the bathroom for a long time."

Tang Jinshe pushed open the door of the box and said sorry, but she was greeted by a happy laughter in the box.

"Lingxue, I didn't expect that you are now the manager of the public relations department of Shengshi group. It's really a three-day treat..."

Zhou Qian's tone is a little sour.

She didn't expect that Lingxue, who had little family background or learning at the beginning, has now passed her and Tang jinsher and become the closest existence to Fu Jinyan.

It's a little unbelievable!

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