
I don't know what happened to Chen Dong's eyes: "president, I think it should be someone behind her who deliberately erased Miss Tang's three years of life abroad!"

According to his years of experience, only this possibility can explain what is happening now.

Thinking of this, Chen Dong continued, "that's why our investigation is blocked. Even if we can find anything, it's just the most superficial and public information, such as where Miss Tang went to school. As for other private information, it's just like being given a key. We can't crack it at all."


Deliberately concealing Tang Jinshe's news abroad?

Who is the other party and why?

If it's Gu chuyang, why does Gu chuyang do this?

Is there something unknown happening abroad.

When Fu Jin Yan heard the words, he frowned slightly and looked thoughtful.


At six o'clock in the afternoon, the setting sun slants to the West.

All the employees who have no urgent matters on hand have come home from work on time. Only the office at the top of the building is still bright, like a light under the dark sky

Lonely and proud, but shining again.

"Mr. Fu, is it convenient for me to come in?" At this time, a sweet and greasy female voice came from the office door.

Fu Jinyan's hand, which was immersed in reviewing the documents, suddenly gave a meal.

A undercurrent slipped through his eyes.

"Come in."


Soon, Ling Xue pushed the door in, carrying a similar shape of white insulation box.

"Mr. Fu, this is the soup I made myself. There are a lot of nourishing ingredients in it. I'm afraid you forgot to eat too late when working overtime in the company, so I made it specially for you!" Ling Xue said with concern on her face.

"Put it down."

Fu Jin Yan only raised his eyes and swept them coldly to keep warm, then went back to work.

But even if this kind of performance is cold, but falls in Ling Xue's eye, actually became one kind of approval her joyful!

Do you know that the thermos cup delivered by Tang Jinshe was directly overturned here at noon? But she was left.

It's enough to see her unique position in Fu Jinyan's heart!

Thinking of this, Ling Xue's face became more attentive and eager: "Mr. Fu, if you want to have a rest first, it's not too late to finish this soup and work again..."

As she spoke, she tried to open the incubator.

Between the eyebrows and eyes, there was a sense of self satisfaction.

"Get out."

The man's voice is thin, cold and heartless. Ling Xue's hand, who is going to open the incubator, stops abruptly.

She stared at her eyes, trying to say something more, but when she looked up and saw the cold side face of the man in front of her, she suddenly thought of the picture of her being rushed out in this office before.

"Well, then I won't disturb your work. Don't forget to drink later."

Ling Xue said as she tightened the heat preservation box again, and then walked out of the office with a sad face.


Outside the door, in the corner of the corridor a little away from the office, Ling Xue was proud of her face and immediately dialed Yu Zhenni.

"Hello, auntie. I'm Xiaoxue."

"This afternoon, I saw Tang Jinshe go to the office to find president Fu and try to please and get close to him, but President Fu didn't give her the chance at all. He also threw all the soup she sent to the ground!"

"En en, I will continue to stare at the aunt. Mr. Fu is working overtime in the company now. Just now I went in and sent my soup. He left it..."


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