Ling Xue reports one by one with her mobile phone, but her eyes are shining with calculation.


At the same time, Tang's group also arrived at the point of work, and the staff of each department turned off the computer in twos and threes, and walked towards the gate.

Tang Jinshe sits at his desk, his eyes are on the palm of his open hand, but his back is cold

The cut has been temporarily covered with a band aid after she came back. Now there is only a faint bright red color, which can be seen through the band aid.

But the fear in her heart was still not completely quiet.

Today, when she went to Shengshi group, she thought that she had been careful enough to choose the most conservative way to ease

But it has not been able to resist Fu Jin Yan's uncertain heart.


Tang chin se sighed.

No matter how good the pot is, it's no use. Fu Jinyan doesn't drink it. Everything is not idle work

"Manager Tang, what you asked me to inquire about before, I have already asked!"

Accompanied by a burst of rapid footsteps outside the door, Yu Yue has entered the office.

"Before, I had a college student who had been interning in the Technology Department of Shengshi group, but later he was transferred to another company because he was not successful. I asked him to meet yesterday. He told me that Shengshi group had started to develop products related to environmental protection and energy saving as early as a long time ago. As for more details, my classmates didn't know. He just listened to what happened at that time I was responsible for leading the leader of his technical department to mention it once! "

I didn't breathe when I spoke for the rest of the month. I said all of this in one breath.

"Manager Tang, what do you think the Shengshi group is selling and developing its products, but it still hasn't come out yet?" I don't understand for months.

"I also want to know the answer to this question What is it? " When Tang Jinshe heard the words, his brow tightened.

Her doubts were not less than those of the rest of the month.

Since Shengshi group has been ahead of others for a long time, considering the transformation and optimization of its products and the research and development of materials that are more environmentally friendly and energy-saving, why can it not bear to see it now?

With their current shallow resources, Tang can also make an environmental friendly material in a short time after having this R & D idea

Let alone with Shengshi group's huge financial and human resources, as well as technical personnel, we should have achieved something long ago!

Why hasn't a R & D achievement been made to the outside world until now?

"By the way, manager Tang, just when I called an assistant of a partner to communicate the specific matters of the project, I heard from the other party. A week later, Shengshi group will have a banquet, as if it is their annual meeting. Moreover, from the previous few days, Shengshi group has sent invitations to major companies in the industry!"

Yu Yue said with a sudden tone: "but manager Tang, we haven't received the invitation letter from Shengshi group..."

There is a trace of worry in the WAN tone.

Seeing this, Tang Jinshe purposely pulled out a smile, and then said in a comforting tone: "it's OK. Maybe we will receive the invitation tomorrow? Don't worry, wait. "

Hearing this, Yu Yue has some light in his eyes. He nods immediately.

But when her eyes fell on Tang Jinshe's hand, she looked a little uneasy: "manager Tang, how about the injury on your hand? Would you like me to accompany you to a small clinic near you after work to disinfect and bandage again?"

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