In the afternoon, after returning from Shengshi group, Tang Jinshe asked Yu Yue to find a band aid for her, so Yu Yue knew that Tang Jinshe had been hurt

As for how to get hurt, Tang Jinse just casually took it with him and didn't mention it in detail.

Tang Jinshe shook his head: "it's OK. It's just a small wound. It will scab tomorrow. By the way, everyone else is off duty. Why don't you get off work at this point?"

Through the half open office, Tang Jinse can clearly capture the loneliness outside the door.

Usually after 5:30, the company's employees will continue to disperse. Now it's nearly 7:00, but I haven't left the company for the rest of the month.

"Because the company has launched new materials, the business volume has increased significantly recently. I still have a little work to do. I want to finish it before I get off work!"

"Well, it's hard."


With the fall of the night, all the lights in Tang's office have been on for a long time.

Looking at the back of Yu Yue's vigorous departure, Tang Jinshe pulls at the corners of her lips and smiles out of her eyes

This is probably what young people should look like!

Unlike her, always as if the heart of the number of boulders, heavy let her breathless.

As for

Invitation letter for annual meeting of Shengshi group?

I'm afraid that after today's incident, Fu Jinyan won't be sent to Tang group again!

Tang Jinshe leaned on the chair and let the full melancholy eyes disperse in this room

She didn't have an invitation, so if she wanted to attend the annual meeting of Shengshi group, she had to find a way to sneak into the party first!

If she can't attend the annual meeting of Shengshi group this time, it will fall into the eyes of those entrepreneurs who value profits but ignore affection. It's easy to guess that their Tang Group has been suppressed and snowed by Shengshi group.

And after the party, they will be completely isolated by all!

All around

Thinking of this, Tang Jinshe rubbed his forehead a little tired.

Once, once again

But there was no way to relieve her anxiety at the moment!

Suddenly, Tang Jinse's eyes came out with a firm light.

No, she can't let Tang family fall down just like a flash in the pan. What she wants is Tang family standing like evergreen pine and cypress in K city for a long time.

Therefore, she must find a way to participate in the annual meeting of Shengshi group!

Even if Fu Jin Yan doesn't give her an invitation.


"Dong Dong!"

"Good news, manager Tang. Just now I received a call from assistant Du Hengsheng, saying that they are willing to cooperate with Tang family!"

Yu Yue's hand was still holding a pen that had not been put down in time. He was in a state of high excitement after breaking into the door.

Hang Seng international, one of the top ten giants in K City, is not a small workshop or company of some kind

If Tang clan can get the cooperation with Hang Seng international, doesn't it mean that they have leaped up several steps?

"You say Du Hengsheng wants to cooperate with us?" After a brief stupor, Tang opened his mouth again to confirm.

You know last time, Du Hengsheng turned down her cooperation proposal in front of her

"Yes, manager Tang, it's true. If you don't believe it, I have a phone recording!"

Yu Yue returns with a determined face.

After getting the definite answer, Tang Jinshe's eyes narrowed slightly, and suddenly thought of a way to be fair and appear at the annual meeting of Shengshi group.

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