The lighting in the meeting room is very good. Du Hengsheng is just leaning on the soft chair behind him. He has a handsome face, which is not smiling. His lazy eyes seem to penetrate people's hearts directly.

"I have only one personal request that is not qualified. I hope that I will be honored to attend the dinner party held by Shengshi group in a week's time as president Du's female partner!"

Tang Jin SE's eyes are shining, and the answer is also direct.

In front of smart people, there are not so many unnecessary routines.

"Be my companion?"

Du Hengsheng picked up eyebrows when he heard the words, but he didn't expect to get the answer.


"Miss Tang, I'd like to hear more about it!"

Looking at the touching face close by, Du Hengsheng's interest in the bottom of his eyes became more and more intense.

Beautiful leather bags are the same, interesting soul, but one in a million

He was really curious about how interesting this woman was?

"What I want is a mutually beneficial and win-win situation between Tang clan and Hang Seng international."

Seeing that Du Hengsheng didn't reject his proposal, Tang Jinshe's lips curled slightly, and he drew up a confident arc.

"At the annual meeting of Shengshi group, there will be celebrities and rich businessmen, entrepreneurs, investors, high-ranking families and government officials in K city Under such a background, there are infinite possibilities and opportunities


The answer to this question, Tang Jinshe has made a plan in advance.

So at the moment, what she said was just to deal with Du Hengsheng's secondary answer!

It's not what she really wants.

"Since Mr. Du you have planned to cooperate with Tang, our two companies are now symbionts! On such occasions, you don't take me to negotiate more business, develop more major customers, and thoroughly open up the market of our environmental friendly materials in K city and even in other provinces. Isn't that right? And you don't respect the extreme business rules of making the best use of everything? "

Tang Jinshe expressed it very seriously, and even herself almost believed this sincere and win-win story.

Mutual benefit That's for sure!

But what she really wants to keep is Tang's position in the business world.

If Du Hengsheng is willing to let her take advantage of his Dongfeng to participate in the dinner party of Shengshi group, it is not only the Tang family who will benefit from it, but also the one who is about to reach cooperation with Tang family

Hang Seng international!

Because once the Tang family has a crisis, it will inevitably affect Hengsheng international as a partner. Tang Jinshe believes that being intelligent as Du Hengsheng, he can definitely distinguish the power.

"It's a win-win situation. Since Miss Tang has regarded our Hengsheng international as a symbiont, I will naturally give Miss Tang a satisfactory answer. One week later, my partner Du Hengsheng has no choice but Miss Tang."

In the expectation of Tang Jinshe, Du Hengsheng really gave a positive answer.

"Thank you so much, Mr. Du. We must have a very happy cooperation!"

Hearing this, Tang Jinshe finally breathed a sigh of relief. The sunlight came in through the window and hit her smiling face with a bright and moving look!

Du Hengsheng's narrow eyes narrowed slightly, and his sexy Adam's apple rolled up and down: "Miss Tang, would you venture to ask if you are single now?"

Du Hengsheng said, eyes slightly drooping, eyes accurately fell on the pair of lotus colored flat shoes under the table.

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