Single or not?

Tang Jinshe was stunned when he heard the words.

Doubts spread through her eyes.

Du Hengsheng's endless question really made her unable to figure it out with a nod of her head

Is it possible to discriminate against single and unmarried women in their career?

But Tang Jinshe nodded quickly and replied, "yes, I'm single. Why does president Du ask?"

Single and kids?

Du Hengsheng soon had a judgment in his heart and said to himself, "nothing, I just think the color of green hat is good..."

Du Hengsheng's words make people have some reverie and abruptness

Tang Jinshe: "..."

Green hat Good color?

What does that mean?

The latest Internet phrases?

Tang Jinshe didn't know what she meant, but before she could speak, Du Hengsheng, who was sitting opposite, said: "don't get me wrong, Miss Tang. I mean, since you are my partner, what kind of dress, color and style of jewelry should you wear that day I hope Miss Tang will give me the chance to check out if there is any need in this regard! "

Du Hengsheng hooked the corner of his lips, and his eyes fell straight on Tang Jinshe's face. It was like the bottom of his eyes filled with thousands of stars, and there was a dazzling cloud.

"You are my partner, and these are all the respect I want to give my partner."

Tang Jinshe welcomes those eyes that are extremely confusing today. He always feels like a sheep being stared at by a wolf. He is uneasy to stagger the eyes that are obviously different from those of the past.

Then he frowned slightly and said in a little silence, "well, then there's always a lot of money for loudou!"

Since Du Hengsheng is so full of words, if she refuses again, it will appear that she is acting too wriggly and the pattern is too small.


A conversation, each having a good time.

Twenty minutes later, K city commercial CBD.

A silver white sports car with a bit of a commotion stopped at the gate of Shengshi group.

After throwing the car key directly to the security guard at the door, a handsome and elegant figure quickly disappeared into the elevator.


Top floor, President's office.

Fu Jin Yan is looking at the project proposal on the computer screen, but is interrupted by the man who suddenly breaks in from the door.

"It seems that the security personnel of Shengshi group should be cut off again, and even one person can't stop them."

Fu Jin Yan looks up at the handsome face in front of her eyes, but the chill in her tone can't stop it!

"Mr. Fu, you're not right. As we all know, Du Hengsheng is a regular visitor of your Shengshi group. They are all from their own families. How can they stop me?"

Driving all the way to this place, Du Hengsheng's face is very spiritual though his tone is a little breathless.

"Why, what's wrong with the project?"

Fu Jin said, and again his eyes fell on the computer screen.

Due to the close cooperation between the two countries, Du DA and Shao often break into his office.

But today, he didn't receive any news about the problem of the project

"Now that I've talked about some projects, I've come all the way to see you just to thank you!"

Du Hengsheng, with a dry mouth, went straight up and drank all the water in the cup.


Fu Jinyan hears the words, but his brow turns gradually.

Thank him?

Has he set up any poverty alleviation projects recently?

"If it wasn't for the annual meeting that your Shengshi group will hold in a week, I wouldn't have this opportunity to have close contact with Tang Jinshe."

Du Hengsheng breathed out a sigh, and the corner of his lips unconsciously reminded him that "in a week, Tang Jinshe will be my girlfriend!"

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