"What does it mean."

Tang asked casually. He didn't even lift his eyelids. He just used all his attention on his clothes in the landing mirror.

"It means that from tomorrow on, I will be the only woman who has made a name with Fu Jin, and you, Tang Jinshe, have been in the past!"

Ling Xue's chin is high, and her tight dress makes her breasts more and more upright and arrogant, just like a combative hen, she is always king in the circle.

"Is it? Then how do you know that you, in the future, will not become the past? "

Tang Jinshe's beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, and his words were like a gentle knife, which was in the middle of Ling Xue's pain.

"I'll go out first. You can experience the feelings of the ladies here."


Don! Brocade! Se!

Looking at the figure in front of her, Ling Xue opened her eyes angrily and cursed silently in her heart.

Into the past?

Experience the feelings of ladies?

This is a personal attack on her, a naked mockery!

But because Fu Jinyan and Du Hengsheng are waiting outside, Ling Xue can only bite her teeth and swallow the bad breath, and then follow Tang Jinshe with a sweet and greasy smile.


Outside the dressing room, when Du Hengsheng saw Tang Jinshe in plain brocade slowly coming out of the room, his narrow eyes suddenly burst into a little surprise

This dress is made of plain brocade. The background color is light, which is in favor of the color of crescent.

The style of waist collection, coupled with the blue lotus that is decorated on the waist, is really like the beauty coming out of the ancient scroll. It is elegant and full of temperament.

"Kinsey, now I know why you choose this dress."

After a look, Du Hengsheng opened his mouth.

At the same time, Ling Xue is also walking towards it with a small, artificial step

"The coagulated skin, the slender waist like the willow, the beautiful and moving face Apart from you, I'm afraid no one can interpret the real beauty of this dusty plain brocade

There is no heavy color, no superfluous decoration.

Only the gold thread embedded in the neckline, cuffs and hems is the most conspicuous color of the whole plain brocade, but it is also an indispensable touchstone for this dress.

The golden thread represents a kind of grace.

Although plain brocade is plain, it does not lose its atmosphere and grace!

"As the ancients said, the children are clear, the face is beautiful, the people are fair and the country is beautiful, but they are not enough to describe what I see Your beauty. "

It was just two big steps, and Du Hengsheng came to Tang Jinshe.

The white suit and the moon white brocade stand face to face. They fall into the mirror hanging on one side completely. They are really talented and beautiful!

"All the guests before thought that this dress was too plain. No one had ever tried it, but they didn't expect that it would be so suitable for Miss Tang. It seems that this dress is very selective."

The collocation teacher waiting on the side also sincerely expressed his praise.

And a gorgeous, forgotten by all in a corner of Lingxue see this, hang in the palm of the side of the body to hold, the expression on the face don't mention how ugly!

But soon, she hid and walked towards Fu Jin Yan

"President Fu, do you think Jin se looks good in this plain brocade?"

After standing next to Fu Jin Yan, Ling Xue couldn't help asking, but Yu Guang glanced proudly in the direction of Tang Jin se.

Fu Jin Yan hates Tang Jin se so much now. He will not say anything good!


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