"Don't ask people I don't care about. There's something else."

Fu Jin Yan has a light look, and he is not interested in it.

But Yu Guang always wanders from the elegant figure

Ling Xue is not very satisfied with this answer. What she wants is the slander of Fu Jin's words and Tang Jin SE's words!

However, from Fu's response, she also extracted some useful information.

For example, in the eyes of Fu Jin Yan, Tang Jin se is just an unimportant person. Fu Jin Yan is stingy even if he comments more. It can be seen that the relationship between the two is really hard to return to the childhood!

In this way of thinking, Ling Xue's heart is more comfortable.

People who don't matter About

Tang Jin SE's eyes were dim, and he counted all the men's answers into his ears, and his face became white.

I'm afraid I can't ease the relationship with Fu Jinyan.

He hates himself!

"Jin se, this kind of clothes must be matched with high-heeled shoes to look good. Come, go down and bring me two pairs of high-heeled shoes with plain colors!"

Looking at the slippers on Tang Jinshe's feet, Du Hengsheng raised his eyebrows and his eyes flashed a glimmer of light.

If you are pregnant, you can't wear high heels


Tang Jinshe is stunned when he hears the words. His subconscious opening calls out the waiter who is going to go down.

"What's the matter?"

Du Hengsheng pretends not to know.

Tang Jinshe was silent, and his eyes crossed the long figure standing there, with a little hesitation at the bottom of his eyes.

"Just bring me a pair of flats."


In the end, Tang gave up Du Hengsheng's high-heeled shoes proposal.

She promised Fu that she would never wear high heels in front of his eyes again.

To avoid more troubles, she should wear flat shoes honestly!

The waiter nodded and ran downstairs. When he came up again, he not only carried two pairs of flat shoes, but also two pairs of high heels.

The other high-heeled shoes are for Ling Xue!

The staff here, with high wages, do But it's all eyes.

As long as it's the guests here, in any case, everyone can't be offended, or they're losing the source of their famous products.

Although the bottom of my heart is not ashamed of Lingxue's small family style, the respectful smile on my face has never been less than one point

Looking at Tang Jinshe's appearance in front of the mirror in light colored flat shoes, Du Hengsheng's only fluke turned into nothingness in an instant.

It seems that he can't take off this green hat!

But when he saw that other people were pregnant, he either had swollen face or legs, or his abdomen was swelling day by day

Why didn't he see any of these pregnancy images in Tang Jinshe?

Du Hengsheng frowned and touched his nose habitually. His eyes were deep in thought.

Waist is so thin, it doesn't look pregnant at all

Is it early pregnancy?

Thinking of this, Du Hengsheng opens his Phoenix eyes slightly. The more he thinks about it, the more likely he thinks about it!


At the same time, seeing that Tang Jinshe chose Fu Jinyan with flat shoes, his face finally warmed up a little

I'm quite obedient. I haven't forgotten what he said.

It's beautiful to wear high-heeled shoes, but if the result of this good-looking picture is at the cost of damaging your ankle, then no matter how beautiful it is, it will lose any visibility in his eyes!

This woman, every time she wears high-heeled shoes, she either sprains or breaks her heels

If you really want to let it go, will not this foot be wasted in the future?

"President Fu, how about these high heels? Do I look good in them?"

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