"Mr. Du should be happy to save more money for the celebration of the two families in the future." Tang Jinshe is a funny way of good mood.

It was her original intention not to let Du Hengsheng spend money for her

Now she has become a lucky guest of mingpinhui, which is not due to Du Hengsheng.


On this side, they had a good chat, while on the other side, Fu Jinyan, who was sitting on the sofa in the hall, had deep eyes and remained silent.

Lingxue secretly competes in the bottom of her heart. Unexpectedly, Tang Jinshe is so lucky.

However, on second thought, the dress and shoes that Tang Jinshe liked were not expensive. Lingxue was more comfortable.


Soon, the waiter took the packed two suits.

Du Hengsheng took over the paper bag belonging to Tang Jinshe from the waiter, while Ling Xue saw that Fu Jinyan didn't get up from the sofa, so she had to carry the paper bag by herself.

"President Fu, since we have finished choosing the dress, we will leave. After all, it's not early outside!"

Du Hengsheng said, looking out of the door.

At the beginning of the brilliant lights, the neon on both sides of the street became the most dazzling light under the night.

Hearing this, Fu Jin Yan finally got up from the sofa, and his cold eyes crossed Tang Jin SE's face

"Well, I'll see you at dinner tomorrow."

Fu Jin paused, then raised his eyes and continued, "and don't forget to bring your invitation, or the security guard at the door won't let you in."

A cold and quenched look, if nothing, drifts towards Du Hengsheng

Tang Jinshe was stunned when he heard the words, and his back was slightly stiff.

Invitation letter.

Didn't she have an invitation?

Today is the last day. Shengshi group still hasn't sent an invitation letter to Tang clan. If she had the status of Du Hengsheng's female partner, wouldn't tomorrow's dinner party be rejected?

Think of here, Tang Jin se pursed lips, small face a little white.

Fu Jin said it was mocking her.

It seems that Fu Jinyan's anger has not subsided since he left the office last time.


"When do you worry about this? Don't worry. Even if I didn't bring the invitation letter, I don't have you as the president?"

Du Hengsheng smiled in spite, and then he would go out with Tang Jinshe's slim waist. This is a habit he has developed in foreign countries for many years. Out of the gentlemanly manner of caring for his female partner, there is no other difference.

Tang Jinshe, who was deeply involved in other matters, naturally didn't notice this. He just turned around and said politely: "general manager Fu, Miss Ling, goodbye."

It's just that some guy who happened to catch this scene has a cold look.

"Good, Kinsey. I'll see you tomorrow!" Ling Xue said with a pretentious smile.

Then, deliberately taking advantage of Tang Jinshe's not far away, when waiting for Du Hengsheng to pick up the car, he said loudly: "President Fu, you can rest assured that as your partner, I will perform well at the dinner party tomorrow, not to lose face to you and our Shengshi group..."


Lingxue's sweet and greasy voice came from later. Tang Jinshe stood on his back, as if he hadn't heard anything, and got on Du Hengsheng's car directly.

Seeing Tang Jinshe's figure in the car, Ling Xue interrupted the monologue.

"Mr. Fu, although Mr. Du is handsome and has a different identity, he is sitting in the whole Hang Seng international, but there are many negative rumors about him from the outside world..."

Ling Xue turns her head and looks at the handsome cold man standing beside her, with a touch of careful exploration in her tone.

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