"It's said that he is a famous Playboy in the circle. He has many girlfriends and never lacks women around him. Now, Jin se is with him. I'm afraid that she will be cheated by Mr. Du's rhetoric. Finally, she will end up like those women. After a short period of romance, she will be abandoned by Mr. Du!"

Every time Ling Xue said a word, Fu Jin Yan's face was cold.

"And I heard people talk about it at a cocktail party before. They said that Mr. Du chased after women. In general, the routine can be completed in three days at most. As soon as I think about it, I can't help worrying. What should I do if Jin se is occupied?"

Ling Xue looks worried on her face, but she is eager to be a broken shoe that Du Hengsheng didn't want to play with three days later!

Be discredited in the world of celebrities.

"This is her choice, and she can only bear the consequences!"

Fu Jin's eyes are cold, but his heart is rolling.

The bad thoughts flashed quickly from Fu Jinyan's mind. An indescribable anxiety spread in his heart. When his breath was sluggish, he raised his legs and walked out the door: "I have something else to do. Let's go first."

"No, Mr. Fu?"

The tall figure passed in a flash. By the time Ling Xue reacted, Fu Jinyan had reached the car.

Seeing this, Ling Xue immediately trotted after him: "President Fu, why don't you wait for me..."

It's not easy to catch up. Ling Xue said that she would open the front passenger's door while making a gesture.

"Go away!"

The windows rolled down and a roar came from the car.

Gloomy face, cold and ruthless words, which half of the previous uplift?

The roadside energy-saving lights hit Ling Xue's face, which is extremely white!


Lingxue was so scared that she couldn't get back to her spirit. When she tried to speak with her will, the man had stepped on the accelerator, and the smooth car body "Shua" for a while, then flew forward.


Ling Xue exclaimed, and before she could release her hand to hold the door handle, she fell to the ground with the car in great inertia!

On the hard asphalt road, there are countless small detritus and stones, as well as some glass slag that can't be seen by the naked eye. The soft skin has been honed heavily on it, which directly rubs back a layer of skin on the knee

However, the pain forced Ling Xue to frown and look painful. She could only stay on the ground for a while, and did not dare to move.

Looks like a mess!

Ling Xue grits her teeth and props up her upper body. She looks up at the direction of the car. Where her eyes reach, there is no familiar car shadow.

Because it was not far from the entrance of mingpinhui, Lingxue was soon found lying on the ground in the shop. Several waiters who had just come to mingpinhui for internship saw this and hesitated. Their harsh comments reached Lingxue's ears in the cold night wind

"Isn't this the guest just now, shall we go and help him?"

"What can I do for you? One more thing is better than one less thing. We should not see it. Anyway, she is not a real lady. What spectrum is she putting in front of us? Just because Mr. Fu is here, give her more face and respect! "

"Shhh, keep your voices down. The manager is still upstairs. Be careful to be heard and scolded again by the manager? Besides, they are guests brought by Mr. Fu. You should be more or less cautious! "

"What guest, if Mr. Fu really cares about her, how can he not take her back and let her fall to the ground in such a mess? Come on, come on, stop staring at me, I won't say... "


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