Hearing Tang Zhengqin's words, Lin Wan is willing to speak at last.

But the tone is full of obvious regret

Obviously I still care about the fact that the pot of soup was taken away by Du Hengsheng!

But Tang Jinshe was relieved.

Now, it's just like jumping into a fire pit to deliver soup to Fu Jinyan!

Fortunately, Du Hengsheng is the shield to take her home today. Otherwise, she will have to hold the incubator for two hours in the cold wind

The feeling of numbness from the cold wind is not good.


"Dad, mom, I'm a little tired, so I'll go to have a rest first. I have a lot of work to do tomorrow..."

Seeing that Du Hengsheng's story has been explained clearly, Tang Jinshe passes by in front of Lin Wan and Tang Zhengqin and goes straight to the stairway.

She is afraid that if she stays here again, her parents will ask her about Fu Jin Yan

If you say more than one excuse, it's hard to avoid being suspicious.

But in fact, she didn't know much about Fu Jinyan's recent situation. How could she talk to them in detail? So

She was used to running away.

Every time I didn't say two words, I either cut off the topic, or left under an excuse. I never took the initiative to talk about Fu Jin's words in front of my parents. Generally, Fu Jin's words end up busy with business at ordinary times!

Tang Jin se sipped her lips and went up the steps step by step, but her thoughts were more and more wandering.

But if it's a real couple, a real unmarried couple

Even if busy over the sky, will always squeeze out inch short time to get together.

But she and Fu Jin Yan, just like the most familiar strangers, are just like strangers.


In the living room.

Lin Wan listened to the door closing sound from upstairs, and suddenly sighed heavily.

"Zhengqin, I don't know why. I always think that Jin Se and Jin Yan are not close at all. They are not like those young lovers out there. They are tired of being crooked..."

Lin Wan said, suddenly a meal: "you say, will they have any emotional problems?"

In the huge living room, the atmosphere is a little depressed.

"You just think too much. If they really have any problems, how can Jin Yan finance Tang's 1 billion yuan for Jin se before?"

Tang Zhengqin hears the words, but he doesn't care.

In his opinion, as a man, it's normal to focus on career when he was young. After all, who was not ambitious when he was young?

What's more, Fu Jinyan is a business genius who has promoted the development of Shengshi group?

The real love is not to be tired of talking about love and love, but to give each other enough to resist all the risks in the world!

This billion yuan is the best proof that Jin Yan cares about his family.

"Besides, they grew up together with each other for many years. In those years, how did Jin Yan treat Jin se well, how did Jin se hold Jin Se in his palm, and how did Jin se recite Jin Yan better than Xiao'er all day long? Don't you remember all these?"

For fear that Lin Wan was not at ease, Tang Zhengqin added.

Moved out of the love between Tang Jinshe and Fu Jinyan


Lin Wan wriggled around the corner of his lower lip, but he didn't say a word.

"They are all grown up. They are no longer the two children who need our care. Now they have their own ideas and opinions. Don't worry. When Tang's family is stable and on the right track, it's time for you to worry about their wedding!"

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