Finally, Tang Zhengqin patted Lin Wan on the shoulder and said with relief.

Hearing this, Lin Wan finally decided not to worry about it any more: "well, I hope everything is as you said. These two children work so hard to get rid of the trouble in front of them and get married as soon as possible."


Outside, the night was deep.

The moonlight of a place is also wrapped in a cold chill, which makes people look at it.

A black Maybach, just stopped at the corner not far from the Tang family, as if it had been integrated with the night.

In the car, a handsome and cold figure just sits on the driver's seat, like a sculpture without soul. It only condenses its eyes and looks straight at the gate which is not far away and no one has left

"Do you know that you have a charm that other women don't have, which makes men want to approach, explore and pursue!"

"This is my mother's soup. It's delicious. You can take it home as a night snack."

"Auntie, I'll have a good drink of your soup. I'll visit you when I'm free next time!"


The interaction between the two in front of the gate is still playing back in front of her eyes. Fu Jinyan slightly gathers her eyes, which are dark.

Pursuit, soup delivery, visit?

He's such a real fiance that he can't be regarded as the air!

Thinking of this, Fu Jin Yan raised her eyes, which were Obsidian like. She could catch a bedroom with a charming figure on the second floor of the Tang family.

Because the curtains are tightly covered, he can only distinguish a rough outline through the window

"Wuwu Wuwu...... "

At this time, the quiet car, suddenly sounded the sound of mobile phone vibration.

When Fu Jinyan heard of the reputation, his brow tightened!

On the screen of the mobile phone that keeps flashing, there are three big words that are not pleasing

For a long time, Fu Jinyan finally pressed the answer button under the perseverance of the other party.

"President Fu, do you know what I'm doing now? I'm drinking the soup made by Tang jinsher's mother! "

At the other end of the phone, Du Hengsheng's voice was obviously excited.

Fu Jin said: "what do you mean?"

"Do you think I'm the son-in-law to be who has drunk mother-in-law's soup and been in mother-in-law's eyes?"

Fu Jin said: "what do you mean?"


Every word Du Hengsheng said was accompanied by a loud "pinch" of soup, which fell on Fu Jin Yan's ear. It was artificial and harsh, forcing him to open his mouth with cold voice.

"You may not know that her mother has always been very kind. In addition to making soup for you, she often feeds her self-made nutritious soup to the stray cats and dogs near the community."

Du Hengsheng in Meizizi soup: "..."

Stray cat? stray dog?

What do you mean?

Does he look like a tramp?

Du Hengsheng shakes his head and tries to get rid of these messy associations in his mind. Then he continues to be in a good mood and says: "don't say that the soup is really delicious! It seems that my future mother-in-law's craftsmanship is really good. If you want to come to Jinse, her beauty and wisdom are all inherited from her parents' advantages. I will have a good fortune later... "

They say beauty is in the eyes of lovers.

But now Du Hengsheng, who is bought by a bowl of soup, thinks that Tang Jinshe is the unique existence. How does he feel happy? He doesn't realize that his boastful words of praise will provoke some people who can't get used to them!

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