Fu Jin Yan said coldly, without even lifting his eyelids. He was totally indifferent.

When Yu Zhenni saw this, Liu Mei picked it out, but she felt quite comfortable

"How do you talk, Jin se? Can she be someone else? She grew up with you, really!"

But on the surface, Yu Zhenni also scolded her son in a false way.

Later, she said to Tang Jinshe apologetically, "Jinshe, don't be surprised. Jin Yan is just like this now. It's like this to everyone. Now there's only Xiaoxue. He can show off his bad face less!"

"No, auntie."

Ling Xue glances up at the handsome cold man standing aside, looking very coquettish.

In the eyes of Tang Jinshe, there is even more pride.


Tang Jinshe has been used to Fu Jinyan's indifference. She is very clear in her heart. If she doesn't say anything else, she can't really let Ling Xue into Fu's high gate just by her family background!

Because for her, marrying Ling Xue to enter the door would be an act of lowering her own style, and an insult to the famous Fu family.

Like Ling Xue?

Ha ha

Let's be clear. It's just that Lingxue is temporarily used as a shield to stop her from approaching Fu Jinyan!

Thinking of this, Tang Jinshe's eyes are cool. Looking at Ling Xue, who is waving like a peacock on the opening screen, there is a trace of sympathy at the bottom of his eyes

I'm afraid Lingxue hasn't realized it yet. Is she being used as a gun?

Married to the Fu family?

Then she really had to go through the difficulties of 9981 before she could realize this wish.

But when that time comes, it's time for all the beauties to die.


"Jin se, you are here. I said why I didn't find you there just now?"

Just after an unpleasant conversation with his parents, Du Hengsheng rushed to Tang Jinshe for the first time.

"Madam Fu, President Fu, Miss Ling, you are all here!"

Looking at the three people standing in front of the Tang Jinshe, Du Hengsheng said hello and stood on the side of the Tang Jinshe very consciously, just like a pair of Bi people.

"Mr. Du, the relationship between you and US seems Seems pretty good? "

In the precious neon beautiful Mou a pick, the smiling language Ying Ying asked.

Eyes, but between Tang Jinshe and Du Hengsheng

"It's all seen by Madame Fu? I can't hide anything from your eyes! "

Compared with these people with different thoughts, the smile on Du Hengsheng's face is obviously sincere, and the look at Tang Jinshe is also blazing.

"Jin se is now our partner of Hang Seng international, and also my partner tonight. Her relationship with me is quite different."

Du Hengsheng's tone was quite proud, and he didn't notice the coldness passing by the man's eyes.

With the light and glass, Fu Jin Yan's face became darker.

"Madam Fu, you have grown up with Jin se since childhood. Do you also think that Jin se is very excellent. Just after returning to China, she will be able to pick up the main beam of Tang's group, which is not easy for anyone to do! So I believe so deeply in her ability to work... "

Yu Zhenni: "..."


This is Du Hengsheng's comment on her?

Du Hengsheng said more and more vigorously, there is a big momentum that can't stop this box.

Tang Jinshe wants to stop this topic, but she can't get into it for a while. At last, she can only pucker her lips and let Du Hengsheng continue.

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