Anyway, there is no difference between saying and not saying!

Her image in these people's hearts has long been positioned and can't be easily tampered with by others.

"I believe that we, Hang Seng international, will usher in a new transformation because of the injection of the new force of Jin se!"


"Cough I didn't expect Mr. Du to appreciate Jin se so much. "

Yu Zhenni coughs dryly. She looks a little chatty. She's a million yuan, but she doesn't expect that Du Hengsheng's evaluation of Tang Jinshe will be so high.

"It's necessary to appreciate. After all, there are not many women like Jin se who combine beauty and talent..."

Du Hengsheng said, eyes color a meal, and then suddenly squatted in front of Tang Jinshe.

"Mr. Du!"

Tang Jinshe is shocked.

"Don't move."

Du Hengsheng's voice came from below, and Tang Jinshe's action of bending down was also stunned in the air

"When you wear your dress today, do you want to take it out and iron it first if you have nothing to do? Look how hard it is. I'll iron it manually for you..."

Manual ironing?

Are you still in the mood to joke at this time?

Tang Jinshe pulled the corners of his lips. For a while, he didn't know what to say.

After she took the dress home, she did not take it out for ironing. Later, she was eager to come from the company to meet Du Hengsheng, so she did not notice whether there were wrinkles in the skirt corner.

Different from the noisy atmosphere in the banquet hall, the atmosphere in the small circle of five people here is somehow stagnant.

At the same time, Du Hengsheng, who was willing to squat down in public to gently pull the skirt for Tang Jinshe, fell down with the same look on Zhenni's and Lingxue's faces!

What they want to see is the embarrassed appearance of Tang Jinshe, not that she is held in the palm of one's hand and spoiled as a queen.

"Isn't this president Du? What is he doing?"

"I don't know It's like you're dressing that lady's dress, isn't it? "

"God, who is so lucky to be treated so carefully by President Du!"

"It seems that it's Tang Jinshe. Just now I heard that she and Du are very close..."


There are so many people in the banquet hall, so it's natural that someone will soon notice the movement of Tang jinsher.

From time to time, the sound of small comments drifted from one side. Although Tang Jinshe didn't show anything different on her face, her pressure on her heart suddenly increased a lot!

Different from her, Du Hengsheng, who has become the focus of the public, always looks calm and only focuses on the movements on his hands, again and again

"Mr. Du, it's OK!"

Seeing more and more onlookers, Tang had to give a warning.

If it goes on like this, she will really become the gorilla in the zoo!

"Well, all right."

At the same time, Du Hengsheng just got up and finished his manual ironing work.

"In this way, it will be more convenient!"

To Tang Jinshe's eyes, which seemed to contain thousands of stars, Du Hengsheng smiled. He didn't care what he had just done. In other people's eyes, it was shocking.

He just wants to do what he wants.

It's not what a pregnant woman should do to bend over and tidy up her skirt at all. At present, Jinse is still in the early pregnancy stage, and the fetus has not grown steadily. If she is not careful, it will easily cause irreparable influence!

Thinking of this, Du Hengsheng's long and narrow Phoenix eyes flashed a touch of regret

What a pity.

If the child is his, it's perfect!

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