"Mr. Du, didn't you just say you wanted to take me to see Mr. Wu of Xinglong Building? Or let's go and say hello now, before the dinner party officially begins... "

Tang Jinshe's Apricot eyes curved and suddenly said.

The atmosphere here is too oppressive, which makes her feel uncomfortable. If she doesn't leave again, she will be a demon in front of Zhenni and Lingxue again!

It's better for her to leave here as soon as possible, or be quiet

Anyway, these three people don't like her, and she doesn't have to do much flattery.

"Yes, look at me. I forgot that I was here to pick you up to see Mr. Wu."

Being reminded by Tang Jinshe, Du Hengsheng finally turned his attention back to business.

"Madam Fu, President Fu, Miss Ling, let's go first!"

Du Hengsheng said, then looked down at the woman beside him: "let's go."

Tang Jinshe nodded, took the initiative to reach up Du Hengsheng's arm, and then followed Du Hengsheng's steps to the crowded place.

One was wearing a plain white dress, the other was wearing a navy blue suit. Looking from afar, it was very eye-catching, like wearing a couple's clothes.

Fu Jin Yan squints his cold eyes and stares at the arms that are intertwined by the two people not far away. He can't help but stretch several blue tendons between his forehead!


"Just now, thank you for helping me with the dress arrangement."

When he was far away, Tang Jinshe began to say thanks to Du Hengsheng.

In her opinion, Du Hengsheng arranges her skirt, but it's a kind of gentlemanly behavior for her, so she doesn't think too much

Anyway, the closer she got to Du Hengsheng, the more she found out that her pride was beyond recognition, but it was Du Hengsheng's deceptive appearance!

In fact, the real Du Hengsheng is full of enthusiasm.

"To serve women, that's right."

Du Hengsheng shakes his head when he hears the words, but doesn't pay much attention to this episode


The bustle of the dinner party continued, with a crisscross glass of wine. At a glance, all the celebrities and rich people in K city gathered.

Suddenly, Du Hengsheng stepped into a meal: "Jin se, I'm sorry. I didn't know my parents would come to the dinner party today. If they said something to make you mind, I hope you don't mind."

After hesitating for a long time, Du Hengsheng chose to open his mouth.

He is not a person who likes to wriggle and let misunderstandings crowd between them

If there is a problem, it should be solved in time!

This is the principle that he always adheres to.

"It doesn't matter, I can understand. After all, there are many rumors about me outside. If you don't talk about your parents, there are not a few people around you who don't like me, so I don't blame you or your parents!"

Hearing Du Hengsheng's words, Tang Jinshe immediately denied in a low voice and said that she did not resent anyone.

"But you can rest assured that with our cooperation, I will spare no effort to make the best achievements, so that others can't question your unique vision in selecting partners."

Du Hengsheng: "..."

His ears are noisy, but Du Hengsheng's heart is blocked at the moment.

What he wants is not just the identity of a partner.


Outside the house, the night deepened.

The annual dinner party also officially opened at this time!

The pianist who originally played soothing music was also beside the violinist and drummer With the cooperation of all the members of the band, the main theme of the night begins: the prelude to the opening dance show.

"Jin Yan, let Xiaoxue dance the opening dance with you later."

Not far from the dance floor, Yu Zhenni, with a face full of emotions, directly opened up to be the master.

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