"Manager Ling, what are you running for?"

With a glass of mellow red wine, Chen Dong deliberately waits for Lingxue's only way.


Ling Xue only hesitates for a moment, then rushes to the bathroom again, and no longer has the good patience that she once wanted to be close to Chen Dongtao

He disappeared in Chen Dong's sight.

Stupid woman!

Chen Dong is sighing in his heart, while he is in a happy mood for completing the entrustment of the president.

Opening dance?


I don't want to think about my identity. If you do have an opening dance with the president, what can Miss Tang do?


"Come on, you did a good job. Here's your bonus!"


"Heaven knows, you know me, don't let the third party know."

Seeing Ling Xue's departure, Chen Dong pulls the efficient waiter and puts a thick envelope in the waiter's hand at the dead corner of his vision.

Wearing a pair of short-sighted glasses, the fundus of the eye glitters.

When the task is completed, his year-end bonus has to double again!


By the dance floor.

Everyone was a little bit surprised because of the episode just now, but it's time for the opening dance? It looks like it's just a temporary change of partner?

Not far away, Yu Zhenni also has a panoramic view of all this, wrinkling her eyebrows.


Tang Jinshe's eyes are a little dark. I'm afraid Ling Xue is angry and wants to kill people now.

Man is worse than nature.

I can't dance because my dress is dirty.

Tang Jinshe took back his eyes lightly, but he didn't expect Fu Jinyan, who had a dignified posture, to stop in front of him.

"Du Da Shao, my partner has run away. Would you mind lending me your partner for a while?"

Fu Jin raised his eyebrows and said it to death.

Du Hengsheng: "..."

What the hell is it when the girl runs away?

Can't he catch it?

Mind very much!

Too much!

He borrowed his girlfriend. Who will dance with him?

Biting his teeth, Du Hengsheng could only squeeze a smile out of the corner of his lips: "of course not mind."

"Well, I don't want to..."

Fu Jinyan's light opening indicates his "helplessness", but his sight falls on Tang Jinshe.

Tang Jinshe: "..."

The light music has already sounded. Under the gaze of so many eyes, Tang Jinse has no way back

You can only put your hand in the big hand of the man in front of you, and then you are taken to the center of the dance floor!


With the rhythm of the dance music, I kept walking on the beat, rotating and jumping on the dance floor. The tacit understanding is not like a temporary team built partner at all.

Tang Jinshe raised her eyes slightly and looked at the handsome and indifferent man in front of her. Her eyes were stunned, as if the outline of the handsome man in front of her and some green handsome face in her memory

It's all in one.

"The beat is not right, come back!"

"Wrong, not the left foot, but the right."

"Don jinsher, are you going to trample on my feet?"


With the familiar tunes, some fuzzy fragments in Tang Jinshe's mind gradually showed more and more clear signs.

That day, it was the weekend.

The afternoon sunshine is so warm and bright!

There is no one in the family, just her and Fu Jin Yan.

She will take part in the art show in a month, so she can only cram for a dance temporarily and find Fu Jinyan, the Almighty God, to teach her to dance.

After practicing for a long time, she forgot

However, I remember that although Fu Jin Yan was reluctant to do so, she still led her dancing little white into the door.

The white sneakers were covered with her footprints. The black one looked so sad and funny!

Tang Jinshe unconsciously hooks his lips, but when he looks at the man's cold and hard face, he suddenly pulls away from the warm memories.

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