But now, standing in front of her, is a man who has already faded away from the blue and astringent, like the God of heaven, who is cold and inhuman

The rhythm of the dance music is faster and faster. Tang Jinshe raises her arms, and the whole person is released. But the next second, with the change of tune, she is brought into the arms of men again.

The strong chest of the man hit Tang Jinshe with some pain. The smell of his body was mixed with coldness, which made people shiver, but his heart beat faster.

"I know what you're thinking."

There was a man's low voice in her ear. Tang Jinshe's eyes were full of color. She only felt the big palm around her waist. Now she was exerting a little effort to tie her tightly in her arms, leaving no space.

"Isn't it for the Tang clan?"

Fu Jinyan bowed his head slightly, almost touching the woman in his arms

Tang Jin SE's breath gradually stagnated.

There is a blank in the head, only by virtue of the inertia of the body, the dance can be maintained mechanically.

What does he want to say?


"If you want to let Tang family out of the blacklist of Shengshi group, you want to take this opportunity to let others see the scene of Tang family and Shengshi getting along in harmony..."

Under the dazzling light, a cold and fierce smile climbed up the corner of Fu's mouth: "then, I think, you should be intimate with me at all costs now, maybe, you can finally achieve what you want."

Words fall, a warm breath from Tang Jin SE's earlobe across

Tang Jinshe was shocked.

The electric current of crisp crisp hemp feels, spread quickly from her earlobe!

If you want Tang to be blacklisted by Shengshi group, you have to And this man, intimacy?

It turned out that he had seen what was in her mind in the early morning.

After a short time of shaking her mind, Tang Jinshe frowned slightly, and her slack eyes had been gathered in her black pupils again. There was only a little hesitation about how to choose, and still lingered in her eyes.

Although she didn't know why Fu Jinyan suddenly said these things to her, and put forward the conditions of this equivalent exchange.

But for the Tang family

Even if it's a trap to wait for her, today she has to prove it herself.

As Fu Jinyan said, maybe she can really win the bet and finally achieve her wish?

Thinking of this, Tang Jinshe raised her eyes, which fell on the man's chin, and gradually condensed into a firm touch.

The melody of dance music has entered the end of the second half. The black-and-white interlaced figures on the dance floor seem to have become the most noticeable existence in the whole field.

Several young girls gathered at the front of the dance floor, their eyes yearning to stare at the pure and handsome figure on the dance floor, looking excited.

"It's worthy of being the man that all women in K city want to marry most. It's cold, noble and mysterious And you look at the eyes that stare at the dancing partner. They are indifferent and affectionate. They are unpredictable, but they can't help falling into them! If I could dance with Mr. Fu, I would not be interested in other men in my life, would I? "

"Yes, just like you said, I feel like this in my heart now. I wish I could replace that woman and become the lucky one held by Mr. Fu!"

"But didn't you find that the two of them had a good understanding of each other? It's like I've practiced many times before. From the beginning to the present, there has been no mistake at all. "


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