The musicians beside the dance floor are all in high spirits, skillfully playing the instruments in their hands, immersed in the last melodious tune.

In the full view of the public, Tang Jinshe used to only lightly put his hand on the man's waist. Suddenly, he made an effort and closed it tightly

The light smile on her face also deepened to the extreme when she raised her eyes to face the man's four eyes, becoming brilliant and dazzling.

Just like before.

Just like before, she laughed recklessly and carefree under the connivance of that cold youth. In a pair of pure eyes, she would always be full of happy smile, bright as stars.

Fu Jin's eyes are dark, and a pair of ice pupils are filled with complex colors.

The smile in front of his eyes

Isn't that what he always wanted?

But why, he looked at that smiling face, the bottom of his heart can not feel even a trace of pleasure?

Because She's just using herself.

She is making assumptions and showing others that Shengshi group and Tang Group have a good relationship.

That's all, that's all.

What a satire!


When the dance music reaches its climax, Tang Jinshe's feet are full of wind, and the smile on a charming face is even more gorgeous to the extreme

But soon, a basin of cold water from a man before her poured her into a cool heart: "it's a pity that I didn't go to the entertainment circle to develop my acting so well!"

The man's tone is sarcastic, Tang Jinse's smile on his face remains unchanged, but the light at the bottom of his eyes is dimmed.

"Fu Shao, I know it's not Ling Xue who dances with you. It's disappointing in your heart, but please believe me. I don't have any delusions that I shouldn't have! I know where I am. If I can, I hope it's Ling Xue, not me, who will dance with you. "

"But, you said, it's an opportunity. I have to take it, don't I?"

In the face of the man's cold and mean words, Tang Jinshe can only be brave and try to explain.

She just saw that Ling Xue was accidentally splashed with wine by the waiter because of her dress, which made her unable to join hands with Fu Jinyan to enter the dance floor of all attention

Perhaps, considering that they used to be dancing partners with each other, it's a little more reliable than catching an unfamiliar partner in the banquet hall.

Therefore, Fu Jinyan would not like to invite her to the opening dance of the dinner party.

After all, Fu Jin Yan is reluctant to ask her to be a partner.

"Your place?"

Fu Jin said with a cold snort, and his eyes were sharp.

"Where are you, Du Hengsheng?"

Tang Jinshe: "..."

Feeling the shock of the body of the woman in her arms, it seemed that she had been really guessed what was wrong with her mind. The coldness in Fu Jin's eyes became more intense.

Don't want to be his partner, but want to be Du Hengsheng's partner?

"Unfortunately, just now, you have missed the best chance to dance with him. Even if you regret it, you can only accept the result."


Men's lips, pull out a slightly cruel arc.

Tang Jinshe's brow twisted, just wanted to say that she didn't want to be Du Hengsheng's partner

But at this time, at the end of the song, Fu Jin Yan also released the original tie to her. At the same time, when the last note fell, he suddenly pushed her out to help her complete the last rotation.

The whole action, in one go!

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