"Pa Pa Pa!"

"Pa Pa Pa Pa......"

In the banquet hall, there were waves of applause.

"That's a great jump!"

"Yeah, I haven't seen such a matching duet in a long time..."

"But do you think Mr. Fu and Miss Tang will be back together? I heard that before, they were inseparable all day long. They had a good relationship."

"It's not that Mr. Fu's girlfriend is now Is it Ling Xue? "


Along with the praise, there are also those rumors mixed in it.

Lingxue stood outside the dance floor, listening to the voice of the voice, her eyes were ferocious. The hand hanging from her side could not help holding the dress tightly. The luxurious skirt at the end was a pale yellow mark that could not clear her feelings even though it was wet.

These applause and praise, originally belong to her!

After the end of the dance, Fu Jin Yan took a long leg and left the dance floor without any nostalgia. Tang Jinshe stood alone in the center of the dance floor, facing the attention of the public, unable to say the constraints

"Chin se, I didn't expect you to dance so well. It really opened my eyes!"

Soon, Du Hengsheng, who was waiting by the dance floor, came to meet him, which solved the dilemma of Tang Jinshe's independence on the dance floor.

"No, I haven't danced for a long time. It's Fu Zong's good."

Tang Jinshe smiles when he hears the words, just in time to walk out of the dance floor with Du Hengsheng


"Now, let's invite Tang Jinshe from class 13 of senior high school to bring her talent performance: solo dance!"

"After the unanimous discussion of several judges, we decided to give this first place to Tang Jinshe of class 13 of senior high school..."

"Brother Jin Yan, have you seen it? I won the first place. Does this prove that I am still talented in dancing? "

"My new pair of sneakers is still lying in the garbage can. Do you still think you have a talent for dancing?"


"Fu, Jin, Yan!"


Memories, all of a sudden.

Tang Jin se pursed her lips and swallowed the bitterness in her throat.

No matter how well she dances, she can't teach her master that hand

Think of here, Tang Jinshe slightly side eyes, only to see that wipe familiar figure gradually disappeared in her sight.

But now, is she still his apprentice?


"Jin se, I missed it this time. Next time, you must dance with me next time!"

Du Hengsheng looks at the beautiful side face of the woman in front of him. In his long and narrow eyes, he has appreciation, astonishment, and a trace of potential.


Tang Jinshe smiled a little and didn't care too much.

"Mr. Du, I'll go to the rest room first. It's hard to relax. Now I feel very tired."

"Go ahead, I'll wait for you here!"


In the brightly lit banquet hall, Du Hengsheng held up his glass like this and stood in the same place until the figure of the lady could not be seen completely.


All of a sudden, he chuckled, his handsome face a little satisfied.

Next time, when they join hands and dance together, will their relationship go further?

Du Hengsheng hooked up the corner of his lips and drank up the wine in the cup!

So, is that the feeling? Like a person, want to wrap each other's coat, to a layer of peel off, want to get

That hidden in the deepest heart.

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