"Well, there are so many cats in it! Now the Tang family has a weak momentum, which has already lost its original glory. Mr. Fu, who had made friends with the Tang family, has now found another good one If this is not possible, some people will be jealous of the superior and will make shameless retaliation. "


Listen to the voice of the surrounding speech, Tang Jin se pursed her lips.

Only eyes light and cold from Ling Xue's face lightly swept, but the heart has roughly understood, what is the content of the play that Ling Xue directed and performed today

You want to make her steal?

Stealing earrings?

Tang Jinshe squints his black pupils, but his eyes are full of worries.

It's not easy for her to prove her innocence now.

Although there is no conclusive evidence in Ling Xue's hands that she took the earrings, in that period of time, only she and Ling Xue had been to the lounge

Then Ling Xue said that after she left, the earrings were gone.

It sounds logical.

In addition, now that Tang family is in decline, everyone can suspect that she is in short supply, so she became greedy for a while and took Ling Xue's EARRINGS

Then also occupied the reasonable judgment!

Besides, Ling Xue is now a green eye of Fu Jin Yan, with a strong momentum.

No matter how others analyze it, they will only think that it is Tang Jinshe, not Ling Xue, who has real problems.

Thinking of this, Tang Jinshe's lips are slightly hooked, and there is a funny and cold mood in his heart

It seems that she, wrapped in all the evidence, is going to be the target of thousands of people tonight?

"Jin se, what's the matter? What's the matter?"

Du Hengsheng's voice from far to near, Tang Jinshe hears the sound and raises his eyes, just to see the cold figure coming together with Du Hengsheng.

Her eyes are clear, but her confused mind is still at this moment.

"It's very simple. Miss Ling and I have been to the lounge just now, but according to Miss Ling, after I left, her expensive Earrings disappeared."

Tang Jin se said, slightly shrugged, look indifferent.

Rather than waiting for Lingxue to add oil and vinegar to her mouth, she might as well give a brief account of the origin and development of this matter.

At least in this way, she can be a little more frank!

"Then she asked me if I was Take her earrings? "


"He looks calm, speaks fluently and fluently without any tension or panic. He doesn't look like a real thief..."

"Yes, I've never seen that thief before. I'll summarize the whole process of stealing to others personally."

"Psychologically, either she didn't steal, or she was a thief with strong psychological quality and good at disguise!"


"No, I'm afraid you've made my hair stand on end!"


Tang Jinshe's expression once again made the audience whisper to each other.

But Tang Jinshe didn't hear it, only had black eyes, and said seriously with one face: "but if I didn't take it, I didn't take it. I was just a little tired. I lay on the sofa in the lounge for a while. I haven't seen or touched any Earrings from the beginning to the end. How can I talk about stealing someone's earrings?"

"According to your meaning, it turns out that Xiaoxue deliberately wronged you with her earrings?"

Yu Zhenni, who was hidden outside the crowd, suddenly made a sound.

All of them consciously give way.

Yu Zhenni walked to the front of Tang Jinshe with a dignified and elegant face, but his seemingly gentle eyes were full of gurgling coldness.

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