"Kinsey, Auntie grew up watching you, so in Auntie's heart, you are like my own child. If a child makes a mistake, we as parents can't just cover it up..."

"Because it's going to hurt you, understand?"


The noise around us was so low and dumb that every word from Yu Zhenni's mouth fell into the ears of all the people, but it was very clear.

Tang Jinshe stands in place like this, her eyes are dim.

Made a mistake?

Can't you just cover it up?

This is to kill her.

Think of here, Tang Jinshe's hand holding the wine glass, tighten inch by inch

Deliberately in front of people to say so good, to create a kind of other people, really care about her, even as her own child's appearance

But the reality is that I don't believe her at all, and I don't give her a chance to explain.

In other words, they just want to sit on the top of her head. It's nothing!

Extremely vicious!


"We can't do some stupid things, so Jin se..."

Yu Zhenni said, suddenly tone a meal, that has a strong charm of the eye flashed a dark light.

"Take it out, as long as you hand over the earrings, you will be a good child in aunt's heart, and I believe that Xiaoxue will not really blame you."

Don't blame her?


Tang Jinshe sneered in his heart, and then met Yu Zhenni's eyes without hesitation: "Auntie, what I didn't take, where do you want me to find it and give it to you?"

From the beginning to the end, Tang Jinshe only repeated one sentence, that is, she didn't take Ling Xue's earrings.

Even if no one believed her.

"Kinsey, aunt is right. As long as you dare to admit it, I won't blame you! But if you insist on not admitting it all the time, Auntie and I, even those who care about you, will feel very disappointed in our hearts. "

Seeing that Tang Jinshe was so hard spoken, Ling Xue spoke again sincerely.

Her eyes filled with hope and tolerance, as if she could immediately come forward to give Tang a hug to let go of the past as long as he confessed the crime.

She is delicate and kind-hearted. Whoever sees it, she should be the one who wins people's hearts!

"I know that you are in a very difficult situation. There are many difficulties You Tang Group are facing many difficulties now. Your heart must be under great pressure. "

Ling Xue said, then stretched out her hand and put it on Tang Jinshe's right shoulder, then raised her eyes slightly. Under the people's gaze, the gaze of Tang Jinshe was full of deep inspiration.

"Although I can't help you too much, as long as you say, I will do my best to be your support!"


At this moment, in the eyes of all people, Ling xuetou, as if surrounded by a layer of light, full of pure salvation.

"You see, madam Fu and Miss Ling are talking about this. How could she stand here and refuse to admit it?"

"Yes, knowing a mistake can change nothing. Other people are not only willing to ignore it, but also willing to make friends with her and support her silently. What else can she not let go?"

"If I had been changed, I would have no face to stay here after hearing this As a human being, you can't push too far! "

"Good feelings and good friends are right in front of us. If we don't cherish them, we can only end up with a betrayal..."


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