These words of implicit reprimand fall into Ling Xue's ear, just like honey, and her sweet heart is more comfortable and happy!

"Look at her. She is a Cinderella, but she has to pretend to be a princess? It's ridiculous. Ha ha

"That's her stupidity, and she doesn't know that the result of her actions is still that she can't change the ugly fact of her actions. Can others easily imitate the beauty of her actions?"

"Yes, even if she was wearing Tang Jinshe's famous brand clothes, carrying the bag that Tang Jinshe gave her and eating the macarone that Tang Jinshe was fed up with, but she was still not the eldest lady of Tang family, Tang Jinshe!"

"Maybe, all the things she wears are secretly trying on Tang Jinshe."


Those unforgettable memories, those ridiculed memories, finally today, the scene reappeared in the original tianzhijiao girl, the eldest miss of the Tang family, Tang Jinshe!

At the thought of these, Ling Xue was very happy.

Tang Jinshe, do you have today?

How does it feel to be the target of criticism, to be ostracized and talked about?

Looking at this face that has completely faded away from the original blue and astringent, Lingxue hooks up the corner of her lips, and the worry on her face becomes more and more intense

In the fairy tale, Cinderella finally married the prince.

So, even if she's not a princess, so what?

As long as she married Fu Jinyan, she would have everything!

Think of here, Ling Xue continues to say: "for example, this dress on you, if you think it's a free gift from the store for activities, if you think it's not expensive and beautiful enough to match your identity as Miss Tang, then I'm willing to exchange it with you. I'm willing to exchange this dress on me for you. You don't need to steal my earrings at all."

"Jin se."


In some quiet banquet halls, there was a heated discussion again, which was much more intense than the previous several times

"What do you mean, this dress is free in the shop? Have the Tang family fallen to this point now? They don't even have the money to buy a dress! "

"I'll tell you, who would wear a pair of flat shoes to a dinner party? I can't even afford a pair of high heels."

"I can't imagine that there are people in the celebrity circle who wear clothes without money to go out. Doesn't she feel that she should be isolated, disgraced and shameless?"

"So it seems that there is a clear judgment on the original cause of the matter. Tang Jinshe must have taken a fancy to Miss Ling's earrings, and then he didn't have the money to buy them. So he stole the earrings she put on the dressing table while Miss Ling was unprepared."

"I really know people, know faces and don't know hearts. Looking at people, I didn't expect that even my friends could do it!"


Everyone was in a uproar.

But Tang Jin se hears speech, is eyebrow tight Cu, unexpectedly for a while don't know where to start.

This plain brocade dress is not as expensive as Lingxue's, and it's also sent by famous products for activities These are facts. She can't defend herself!

As for wearing flat shoes today

That's just because you can't wear high heels in front of Fu Jinyan! Just by these conjectures, or can't we prove that Lingxue's earrings were stolen by her?

"You look down on my girlfriend too much, but it's just a earring. How can she get it?"

Listening to the more absurd voices around him, Du Hengsheng finally couldn't help but explain to Tang Jinshe.

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