Du Hengsheng's narrow and long eyes swept over the people in front of him, and his funny face faded away. At the moment, it was a little cold, and the cold pressure was centered on Tang Jinshe, and spread all around

Those who were swept by this vision all froze.

How can they forget that Tang Jinshe is Du Hengsheng's companion?

Although Hang Seng international is far inferior to Shengshi group, if we want to kill them, it's easy

Thinking of this, the original high tone of the voice, after Du Hengsheng's voice, gradually lowered down, leaving only some hard to hear.

After all, if other people are really angry for the crown, then they are not suffering for nothing?


In such a large banquet hall, what attracts most people's attention at this time is that it takes Ling Xue of Tang Dynasty as the center and Du Hengsheng of Zhenni as the secondary figure The process of solving the theft of earrings!

According to Du Hengsheng, it's absolutely impossible for Tang Jinshe to steal earrings.

Because this "theft case" itself, in his eyes, is a ridiculous and ridiculous existence!

"Mr. Du, I know that you and Jin se are close, so I don't want to believe that my earrings are from Jin se."

Seeing that Du Hengsheng is trying to clear Tang Jinshe's suspicion in front of the public, as a "victim", Ling Xue naturally wants to make a statement.

"But you may not know. I know more about Jinse than you! She has always been a strong person. Once she sees something, she must get it. I think this time, she may be in the way of face, so she took my earrings without telling me

Lingxue slightly hooks her lips. She knows Tang Jinshe well and knows everything about her.

But in fact, there are many different meanings in her words!

For example, does Tang Jinshe really need to be strong, or does he like to "rob" from a very early age?

After all, what others can hear from this sentence But only Tang Jinshe's aggressive, strong and self serving personality.

Once you see something, you must try your best to get it!

"I just wanted to ask her. I didn't expect that things would be so big. I knew that I shouldn't have asked. Anyway, it's just a earring. If it's gone, it's gone!"


At last, Ling Xue put on a generous appearance of not ready to investigate, and her tone was full of chagrin. It seems that at this moment, she suddenly found that she had made things known to all, and put Tang Jinshe into the vortex of public opinion.

At the same time, Fu Jin Yan, who has been standing behind Zhenni, is silent, but he looks slightly at Chen Dong, who is standing nearby and on standby at any time

Soon after Chen Dong heard the news, he didn't make any movement. Fu Jinyan gave him a whisper in his ear, and then he left the crowd quietly.

After all this, Fu Jinyan is like a man who has nothing to do, still holding a handsome face with a piece of ice, looking at the two sides in front of him coldly, and facing each other constantly!

"Miss Ling, what you said is just your conjecture. There is no basis for facts at all." Ling Xue's compromise was bought by others, but Du Hengsheng didn't.

If it really goes on like this, if it can't be washed on the suspicion of stealing by Tang Jinshe today, then later

No matter where Tang Jinshe goes, he will be criticized!

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