At that time, for others, what the truth is no longer important

Because Tang Jinse, the biggest suspect, can satisfy their desire to criticize others behind their backs.

Thinking of this, Du Hengsheng continued in a loud voice: "you are so sure that Jin se took your earrings. Do you have any evidence?"? Who has seen it? There are still surveillance cameras... "

"If you can't give evidence, what's the difference between your present behavior and frame up?"

At this point, even if Du Hengsheng is slow, he has also been vaguely aware of the bad relationship between Tang Jinshe and Ling Xue.

So in the face of Ling Xue, he no longer has the beginning of a pleasant face, and even the tone of his eyes, are unconsciously stained with a trace of the upper level of fierce!

Just inferior to Fu Jin Yan's powerful momentum, no one can stand it.

Like Lingxue at the moment, who is about to cry

But in fact, in addition to half of her deliberately pretending to be weak, the other half, she was actually scared by Du Hengsheng's sudden face change.

After all, Du Hengsheng, whom she had seen before, always had a gentle and sweet face in front of Tang Jinshe.


"Mr. Du, this is not a police case. You are almost scared of Xiaoxue!" Heart deep like the sea to see this in the treasure neon, lost no time to open up to help.

After all, she and Ling Xue have the same goal!


Seeing things, it's so stagnant here, as if it's going to end

Suddenly, a female voice came out of the crowd: "Miss Tang's dress is made of pure brocade, but it's valuable."

Listen to each other's exclamation, Tang Jin se Mou color a meal, subconsciously hang Mou toward his skirt to see.

Value Not cheap?

But this is a free gift of famous products. It should be the cheapest and the most unsold in the store. How can it be valuable?

Tang Jinshe, the follower, looked puzzled, and the crowd around heard the reputation

I saw a bun lady in a black embroidered dress. At the moment, she was staring at Tang Jinshe's plain white dress, as if she had found something precious!

"Don't you believe it? Then I'll find it for you, and you'll understand it in a minute. "

As the lady said, she unlocked her mobile phone screen, entered an official international website for clothing sales, and clicked on the rotating picture on the home page.

, "as like as two peas in the mobile phone, are they exactly the same as those on Miss Tang?"


Under the guidance of the lady, Tang Jinshe also took a step forward and left her eyes on the mobile screen displayed outside.

1、 Two, three Eight!

The price that hangs out on the net, it is the sky price of 8 figures really!

It's more expensive than Lingxue's dress with diamonds.

As for the reason why the price is so high, there are relevant details on the official website. It is probably because the set of plain brocade uses the technology of hand-made gold wire inlay which is on the verge of losing among the people, so the price is so high.

"As if it were true?"

"What's going on..."

"It's free, but I've never seen a shop that will directly send eight figure high price dresses!"


Listen to the sound of hesitation in her ear, Ling Xue secretly pulls the corners of her lips, but she doesn't care.

"This should be a high imitation dress, right? You can see that the genuine products are so expensive because of the use of the gold inlay technology. I think the famous product collection has eliminated the gold inlay technology step and only made this style of plain brocade dress alone... "

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