"I saw you go to the restroom, because I thought the earrings were a little heavy, so before you went to the restroom, I replaced them and put them on the dressing table in the restroom. I thought that I would replace them again, but I didn't expect that..."

Lingxue said with a stiff head.

Face, still hang a helpless and innocent look.

"When I went back later, there were no earrings on the dresser!"


At the moment, Lingxue begins to feel under pressure when she meets everyone's eyes!

It's like how she explains, justifies and justifies herself Fall in other people's ears, eyes, are so pale.

"In the middle, I only saw you go to the lounge, so I thought that you took my earrings, but now If it's not you, then I don't know where the earrings went or who took them. "

"At the end of the day, isn't that all your personal speculation?"

In the face of Ling Xue's obvious behavior of pushing the pot, Tang Jinshe is right.


Lingxue's red lips are tight and indisputable.

It was originally her structure, and what evidence came from it!

Looking at Ling Xue's hesitating and confused appearance, Tang Jinshe glanced coldly at her eyes, then turned around and faced one of them.

"Our Tang family has got a billion yuan of financing. Although our current business situation is not as good as the most prosperous period of Tang family, the so-called crisis has already passed."

Every word is crisp and bright.

Except for Fu Jin Yan, who was cold and expressionless at the beginning, all the others were shocked!

One billion

Why didn't they hear anything?

"Not long ago, we independently developed an environmental friendly material and won the gold medal in the authoritative environmental protection and energy saving competition!"


But there is no sign of the end of the Tang's speech.

She looked at the face in front of her, which was either surprised, puzzled or unbelievable. She looked calm and stood upright. Every word she said was so forceful and convincing!

"As for those rumours that Tang family is on the verge of bankruptcy, it's rumoured that I'm the shy gossip in Miss Tang family's pocket, but just like today's Earring theft, it's all personal attacks without any basis."

When Tang Jinshe said this, he glanced at Ling Xue's direction as if he had nothing, and forced the other party to avoid this way

A line of sight with obvious meaning.

"Besides, Tang Group has recently reached strategic cooperation with Hang Seng international. In the future, under the joint efforts of the two powerful companies, Tang Group will only do better!"

Seeing this, Tang Jinshe's lips were slightly hooked, and his face was filled with a very harmonious joy.

Those false rumors that spread in the gossip circle and slander the Tang clan and the Tang family, today, she will personally, one by one All crushed clean.

In this way, in the future, Tang family can meet its new era with a more complete and brand-new look!

In the luxurious and bright banquet hall, the music playing in the distance has been stopped. Only the voice of Tang Jinshe is ringing all around

At the same time, the crowd, which had gathered together intensively, was silent. The focus of their eyes became the gaze of the clear and meaningful figure.

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