After turning his head to Du Hengsheng as a partner, Tang Jinshe took back his eyes and spoke again with high momentum: "so, after today, I hope that those false rumors and rumors can stop at the wise, because we Tang family and Tang family will never accept any form of slander."

Words fall, Tang Jinshe then side body, straight eyes fall on the body of Ling Xue who is full of anxiety.

"This time, in the face of Fu Zong and Shengshi group, I don't care much anymore. After all, today is a happy occasion But next time, if there is such a wanton slander on me? Then I will, firmly believe in the law and justice, let the police return my innocence, and will also prosecute the person who tried to wrongly me for defamation! "


Although there is no name or surname, everyone here can understand that in Tang Jinshe's words, the important thing is to warn Who is it.

Ling Xueqiang holds a smiling face, but in the bottom of her heart, she just wants to stick Tang Jinshe's mouth to death with tape, so that those words that stir people's hearts can't be uttered again!

Dare to threaten her with libel?

Is it useful?

No use!

At best, she just threw out the introduction. She really slandered Tang clan and Tang family, as well as Tang Jinshe. It was the other onlookers here. The police would only catch them!

It's none of her business.

Ling Xue thinks so maliciously, but when she thinks that Tang Group has got a billion yuan of financing, the crisis has passed, she expects Tang family to be defeated, and Tang Jinshe's sad wish for the next scene can no longer be realized

Her heart's unwilling, all melt into like ten thousand ant eats heart's hatred!


Why is it so sudden and unpredicted?

Who in the world injected one billion yuan into Tang family!

"Finally, Miss Ling, thank you for giving me such a good opportunity and platform, greatly improving our attention of Tang family in the circle, and thank you all for listening to me. The door of Tang family group is always open for you and waiting for you to come."

At last, after the tense and serious atmosphere, Tang Jinshe suddenly smiled cunningly, which was to reconcile this resentment with all the people.

After all, it is taboo to make too many enemies in shopping malls.

So why don't we turn war into silk and work hand in hand?

"Hahaha, Miss Tang, I'm afraid that the publicity effect of your advertisement can't even reach the mainstream platform publicity, right?"

"Yes, I didn't expect Miss Tang to be an expert in softfield. Would you like to come to our company and be the director of publicity department?"


"Aren't you overqualified? Now Miss Tang is the leader of the Tang Group. Who cares about your position as the propaganda minister? "

"That is to say, maybe you will go to talk with Miss Tang about cooperation, and they will invite you to sit down and have a cup of tea. You can't think of other unrealistic ones!"


Smile away the enemy.

All the people here are elite. They just wronged Tang Jinshe for stealing earrings. They all shut up.

Only the atmosphere and the joy of joking

However, the attitude towards Tang Jinshe has obviously changed with the quality before. Everyone is very enthusiastic!

Seeing this, the thin and cold corner of the lips of Fu Jin Yan on one side brings up a happy arc that only he knows

Children, you can teach.

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