To give others the opportunity to step down is to create new opportunities for yourself!

Tang's group just got its feet on the ground. It's too big to withstand at present, because it will easily blow all the foundations laid before

Therefore, it is imperative to establish a good cooperative relationship with other enterprises.

A little episode, so in the laughter of the public into invisible.

The music played again and the dinner continued as usual.

Tang Jinshe follows Du Hengsheng to travel among various rich businessmen and celebrities, with a smile on his face and a flexible appearance.


But after a while, the number of people who took the initiative to greet and talk with Tang Jinshe was obviously several times higher than before, and the atmosphere around her became lively and lively.

In addition, with Du Hengsheng as the natural catalyst, in the second half of the dinner, it was just like the main venue where Tang Shi and Hang Seng international cooperated.

"Tianlin, this Tang Jinshe, seems to be the same as I imagined Different? "

Not far away from Tang Jinshe, hu man is holding his husband's arm, and his eyes are steadily falling on the slim figure chatting with others.

She thought that Tang Jinshe was not a person with disordered private life and improper style, but a woman with great ingenuity who only wanted to use others to achieve the goal of revitalizing the Tang Group

For example.

Close to her son Du Hengsheng, and then indirectly use Hengsheng international, and finally achieve the purpose of making Tang family more profitable!

But now, she finds that, after her seeing is believing, those thoughts that originally existed in her brain are now crumbling, and it seems that they can no longer be established

A person who has lived for half a life, there are some things that she can tell the essence of at a glance.

Just now, when Tang Jinse was fighting against the heroes, he was calm in his eyes, determined in his tone, and with a rising face All of these can't be deceived.

That earring, she really didn't steal it!

Tang Group, she is really in the heart to operate.

Thinking of this, human turned his head and asked the silent man next to him, "do you think I misunderstood her..."

Intelligent, yet full of heart.

It's human's feeling about Tang Jinshe now.

"The rumor can't be believed completely. It's enough for three points of the letter. Tang Jinshe has a very business idea. It's not like he only hangs a general manager's name in Tang Group, but doesn't do anything practical."

Du Tianlin narrowed his black eyes and analyzed in a low voice.

He could vaguely feel that Tang Jinshe was eager to revive Tang's heart

"However, it's said that people can only be seen after a long time. If we want to see whether these things she said today are the most real ideas in her heart, we can only wait for the future, and she will prove them with her practical actions!"

But no amount of truth can be more persuasive than an outcome in front of all.

"I'm afraid of Hang Seng..."

When human heard the words, he was ready to speak.

"As for Hang Seng, I believe that he will have his own judgment, and we will observe the change."


At the same time, in another small corner of the banquet hall, standing in front of Ling Xue, Yu Zhenni looks a little ugly.

"That's what you do? How can you dare to slander Tang Jinshe in public without full assurance and hard evidence? "

Without the presence of a third party, Yu Zhenni's voice is gloomy. How could there be the expression in front of people before Gentle and easy, kind and amiable.

Yes, it's just the endless cold on that face.

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