"How's that? Don Jinse hasn't been pulled down. Your own fall has made your shit stink? And Ping Bai gave her such a good opportunity to publicize Tang's new products. It's not worth it! "

"You are proving to everyone how excellent Tang Jinshe is and how promising the future of Tang Group is!"

What a fool!


At the thought of making Tang Jinshe turn over in front of the crowd, the anger that Yu Zhenni had accumulated in her heart could not be dissipated.

"I'm sorry, auntie. I didn't think about it properly!"

After all, she messed up the matter, so in front of Zhenni, Lingxue had to bow her head and admit her mistake.

She thought that even if she could not bear Tang Jinshe's crime of stealing, she could at least let Tang Jinshe bear the identity of suspect and be criticized everywhere in the celebrity circle!

But she counted thousands, but she didn't count them. In the middle of it, Tang Jinshe will be revealed wearing a priceless dress!

This made her plan, starting here, fall short.

"I wanted to teach her a lesson so that she would be repugnant and disgusted. I never dare to appear in front of President Fu again, but I didn't expect that the dress she was wearing would really be that eight figure dress. But I saw it in the famous collection before......"

"So far, do you think the problem is in the real dress?"

Before Lingxue finished speaking, she was interrupted by Yu Zhenni.

I thought I would be a good helper, but I thought I was a fool!

Yu Zhenni's thought of disgust at the bottom of her heart was well concealed on her face, without any obvious disdain

"Even if you don't have that dress, you can't take Tang Jinse, because you haven't put the real evidence in front of the public."

Looking at Ling Xue's panic, a trace of cynicism flashed across Zhenni's eyes.

How can she be the daughter-in-law of her Fu family?

The thought flashed in her mind, and Yu Zhenni continued: "so, she only used one sentence to prove that Tang family has got a billion yuan of financing, which is enough to prove to everyone that their Tang family has not lost in the rumor, and she has no need to covet a eardrop. Do you understand that?"


Far from the corner, the noise continued.

Lingxue sips her lips and doesn't speak, but her face is speechless.

If she knew that Tang had got a billion yuan of financing in the early morning, she would not plant Tang Jinshe with the loss of earrings today!

At the end of the day, she's still a poor chess player.

"You can't make the same mistake twice. This time it's OK, but next time, I hope you don't let aunt down again..."

As Yu Zhenni said, she lowered her eyes and sighed softly: "it's up to you to win the chance. You want to marry into Fu's family. If you can't even deal with this small matter, then there will be some mistakes in the future. Don't blame my aunt didn't stand by you at the beginning."

Words fall, under Ling Xue's stunned eyes, Yu Zhenni shows her face again, and walks to the center of the dinner party with a delicate and steady step

There are three of the most remarkable people tonight.


Tang, Jin, se!

Following the direction of Yu Zhenni's departure, Ling Xue happens to see Tang Jinshe surrounded by several people, smiling brightly

Hate, jealousy, anger, instantly crawling over her whole body.

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