She is the only one in the corner, the atmosphere is very dark!

Her long-awaited dinner party

A dinner party that should have made her glow

In the end, they all completed Tang Jinshe!

Whether it's the opening dance, or the eight figure expensive dress, or the people who appreciate flattery

It's not her!

It's not her Ling Xue!

Moreover, she also lost Yu Zhenni's trust in her.

When I think of it, my eyes are red and my face is ferocious. It's like biting people!

If it wasn't for the banquet hall, she would scream in the next second and vent all the depression in her heart!


Night, an inch of deepening.

Outside, the cold is raging.

No matter how grand and lively the dinner is, there will be an end time.

Just like Cinderella at midnight, the magic disappears and the brilliance is disillusioned. When Cinderella comes out of the luxurious castle, the dazzling light on her body will be annihilated in the boundless night


Outside Shengshi group.

Because we had another drink tonight, Tang Jinshe was going to make a list in the taxi software and wait for the driver to pick her up.

The cold wind came in from her neck, and even though she was wearing a tweed coat, her back was still shivering with cold.

"Jin se, get in the car. My parents have drivers in the car. I want them to take you home first." Du Hengsheng's voice came from behind.

Tang Jinshe turns his head when he hears the sound. He just sees hu man and Du Tianlin following Du Hengsheng

She smiled and nodded to the two elders: "don't use Mr. Du, you and I are not on our way. It's cold in the evening. Don't let Mr. Du and his wife get involved and follow me around for a long time. You can go back with them as soon as possible. I'll take a taxi."

Tang Jinshe declined.


"You can rest assured that the efficiency of the taxi is still very high. I will come in a few minutes after placing an order. I won't wait here too long."

Tang Jinshe then opened his mouth and comforted him, letting Du Hengsheng's words, which had already reached his throat, instantly stay in place.

Guests in thick coats came out of the door one after another.

Tang Jinshe looks up, just in time with human to look at her line of sight in the middle of the air.

"Hang Sheng, whether we recognize Tang Jinshe or not, but this prosperous group can't be offended! We hang seng international, how many projects are linked with Shengshi group, don't you know? Son, mother or a word, you can be with anyone, but don't mix with Tang Jinse... "

Tang Jinshe's eyes were full of color, and several clear fragments flashed in his mind.


In front of Du Tianlin and hu man, Tang Jinshe smiled and said deliberately, "President Du, I will arrange the Secretary to connect with the person over there on Monday. If there is any problem, you can call me directly. I hope we can cooperate happily all the time!"

Sometimes, it is more persuasive than direct explanation!

Now she is calm about the relationship between her and Du Hengsheng. I think the big stone in the hearts of Du Tianlin and his wife will be put down.

"You Just a partnership? Just business? "

Sure enough, human's slightly surprised voice followed.

It shouldn't be

Look at her son's strongly defended appearance tonight. Doesn't it look like they are just partners?

"Of course, Du is always a good partner. I'm really honored to have the opportunity to cooperate with him this time!" Tang Jinshe nodded in response, with a look of ignorance.

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