"It's also an honor for Hang Seng international to have such an excellent partner as Miss Tang."

Hu man said with a smile, but his eyes touched Tang Jinshe's black eyes, which were as clear as if they could see to the end, and his heart was relieved.

At the same time, the doubts and worries that had been in full swing almost disappeared.

It seems that what she said is true

She really regards Hang Seng as a good partner!

Human thought so, and his eyes could not help but pour out a bit of regret.

According to the present situation, Tang Jinshe feels good

If it were not for the rumors in the circle, she would have had an unreasonable relationship with Fu family and Gu family. Maybe she would be a woman who could match his son in career and life.


Du Hengsheng's face was ugly.

This is a euphemistic refusal of Tang Jinshe, again and again.

She is an absolutely intelligent woman who knows how to get rid of her relationship under such a suitable opportunity


"Chin se, let's go first. You should pay attention to safety alone."

In front of the car, Du Hengsheng stood in front of the half open door, still uneasily admonished, but there was a faint dark light in the long and narrow eyes of the Phoenix.

"Well, you too. Drive carefully."

"Jin se..."

Du Hengsheng suddenly opened his mouth and said, a light and moving figure reflected in his pupils.

In the lonely night, he can even feel the strong and fast rhythm of his chest

But Tang Jinshe hears the words, but it is slightly stagnant, and then he opens his mouth and asks, "hmm? What's the matter, Mr. Du? "


Mr. Du?

Du Hengsheng's thin lips are tight, and finally his eyes are full of emotion: "nothing, I want to say good night to you in advance."



The night is as cold as water.

Tang Jinshe stood on the side of the road and watched Du Hengsheng's family. Until the other side disappeared completely in her sight, she took back her eyes and breathed out a murky breath.

She said so clearly, and just now she also refused Du Hengsheng's proposal to send her home, so avoiding suspicion, I think Du Dong and Madame Du will not ask Du Hengsheng what?


At the same time, facing the moonlight in the speeding car on the road, it is clear that there are full of people in the car, but the atmosphere in the car is cold and clear, without a trace of bustle

"Mom, you saw just now. Don jinsher didn't mean that to me at all. He only regarded me as a partner in business. You should be relieved now?"

Du Hengsheng sat by the window, looking dull.

For the first time, I felt the depression of being ignored and rejected.

He has been in love for so many years. Only women can catch up with her. There are no women he can't catch up with. But today, he is planted on Tang Jinshe!

This woman, unexpectedly in public, said that she only regarded him as a partner?

That's all?

Have all the hints he sent before been directly passed?

In other words, his performance is not obvious enough. What kind of advertisement should he give


Looking at his son's cold water splashed and frustrated, human blinked, turned his head and looked at Du Tianlin, who was sitting next to her. Both faces were full of wonder.

How does she feel that it's a bit of a reversal?

What do you think of this? It's like her son was dumped and broke up

Does it mean that from the beginning, it was not Tang Jinshe who wanted to get close to her son, but her son wanted to catch up with others and finally failed?

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