Just when Tang Jinshe didn't open his mouth, Fu Jin's words sounded again.

"If you don't get off, you won't have a chance."

Tang Jinshe: "..."


Twenty seconds later, Tang Jinshe stood by the street full of fallen leaves.

Watching the black Maybach start again, and then, like a phantom, "whew", it drove away from her eyes without any lingering.

Heart, I don't know why, sinking more


In the car.

Without Tang Jinshe, the atmosphere became more condensed.

Ling Xue sat in the back seat, her eyes narrowed, she seemed to be thinking about something, but she didn't make a sound for a while


At the moment, Fu Jinyan is very upset!

Private affairs?

What is it?

It's to see Du Hengsheng, so I'd rather get off half the way to see Du Hengsheng!

The cold came out of Fu Jin Yan's eyes, and then gathered into an ice wall that no one could cross, and wrapped him in it.

Step on the accelerator with your feet, speeding the way of driving, let the whole body look from the outside, like an arrow leaving the string, breaking through the air!

Night, reflected on the window, but fleeting.

"Mr. Fu, I think Mr. Jin Se and Mr. Du are quite compatible. It's so late that they haven't offered to meet each other. It can be seen that their feelings are getting deeper and deeper..."

Ling Xuesi raised the question for a long time. Then she began to be careful.

"And tonight at the dinner party, it was my carelessness. Maybe I lost my earrings somewhere, which would make things like that and make your face damaged. I'm sorry, Mr. Fu!"

In case Lingxue has already thought about it, she must admit her mistake!

After all, tonight, it's really because of her that the theft of earrings has become a funny trick for her to fight her own face.

Now as we all know, she is Fu Jinyan's Royal partner, and also Fu Jinyan's favorite woman

She was slapped, which is equivalent to pulling Fu Jinyan together.

So, this time, she must be careful and careful. She can't offend the man in front of her anymore!

Thinking of this, Ling Xue continued to say in a sincere tone: "you can rest assured that I will pay attention to it in the future, and I will not make such low-level mistakes or act impulsively again."

Finish saying, Ling snow then raises the eyes to fall on the man handsome side face, a face covets to get what the hope color of the response.


The car came to a sudden stop again.

"Go away!"

Ling Xue shocked her face: "..."

"Are you deaf? Don't you hear me let you go! "

Seeing that Ling Xue was unmoved, Fu Jin Yan let go of his hand on the steering wheel, his tone was thin and cold.

Ling Xue was scared to death, but she still insisted on not getting off.

"President Fu, you have to give me a reason to get out of the car, right? Why on earth, why do you treat me like this every time! "

Ling Xue asked bravely.

She didn't want to experience the feeling of being abandoned on the side of the road and being laughed at!

Last time she scraped her knee, although it was scabbed and molted, it still has a red scar until now

This time, she must ask clearly!

"What more reason do you need to get out of here?"

Fu Jinyan turns his head, his eyes are very cold.

Ling Xue's pupil is slightly opened: "..."

The long fingertips fell into her palm, a sense of shame, which suddenly came from her heart.

What do you mean?

But before Ling Xue could figure it out, the back door was roughly opened, and she was dragged out of the car with one big hand

Then throw it on the ground, disgusted.

Let her want to stay in the car, no way!

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