On the half mountain road, Lingxue is crawling on the ground. Her hands are on the cold ground, her face is pale, and she can't get back to her spirit

How familiar is this scene?

Not long ago, she was lying on the road like this. The only difference was that Fu Jinyan was the only one in the audience this time!

Thinking of this, Ling Xue struggled from lying on his stomach to sitting on the road where few people passed by.

"Mr. Fu, I really don't understand. Where did I fail to do well and let you do this to me?"

It's about several times that Fu Jinyan repeatedly treats her with such moodiness. At the moment, Lingxue's psychological endurance and understanding are on the verge of collapse!

Fu Jin Yan, who is using a handkerchief to wipe his hands, saw this and gave a cold look. He had planned to turn around and leave just like this, but he also temporarily slowed down

He raised his eyes and sat on the ground, like Ling Xue, whose whole body was drained. His eyes gradually gathered, and a few invisible dark lights flashed on his cold face.

But these, bow head red eye socket, grievance is sobbing Ling snow, did not see.

In the remote area at night, occasionally one or two cars pass by, but they all rush by, unwilling to stay for half a minute, for fear of causing unnecessary trouble.

Fu Jinyan crouches down and looks at Ling Xue in front of him with cold eyes. There is no temperature in his deep black eyes: "what Shengshi group needs is a person who can manage himself well and add luster and color to the company, not a person who can't even take care of his own dress and Earrings, or even damage the company's reputation, but needs the company's help People! "

Ling Xue is shocked when she hears the words, then raises her head. The confusion in her eyes is replaced by a touch of surprise.

What do you mean?

The reason why Fu Jin Yan is so angry is that his dress was splashed and his earrings were stolen?

Ling Xue's eyes are wide open, and she looks back.

She suddenly remembered that Fu Jin Yan would not have thrown her out of the car if she hadn't mentioned the earrings on her own initiative!

Do you mean

It turned out that she didn't know what to do, and then ignited the anger that Fu Jinyan had accumulated in his heart?

The more Ling Xue thinks about it, the more likely it is!

Because the dress was soiled, she couldn't choose the opening dance with her and was forced to dance with Tang Jinshe at last, so fu Jinyan was really upset and regretted

Why didn't she Ling Xue do the opening dance with him?

Just because she accidentally said the wrong thing, it happened to ignite the "anger" completely, and then all vent to her.


Sometimes, once people's thinking diverges, it is so terrible!

Looking at Ling Xue's suddenly changing face, Fu Jin Yan finally takes back his eyes and stands up straight again

But this dark night, but perfectly covered his face flashed the color of ridicule.

"Don't you want a reason? That's the reason I gave you."

When the words fell, Fu Jinyan turned around and walked towards the car, without looking at Ling Xue on the ground.

"President Fu, listen to me..."


Ling Xue stands up from the ground shaking her body and wants to explain again.

But before she came forward, the black shadow of the car drove forward in an instant

The dust of Tu Liuyi was lifted and Ling Xue, who was just standing behind, coughed ceaselessly.

No one was around. Ling Xue had to shrink her neck and make a phone call with her friends while waiting for a taxi from the taxi software to pick her up

But what she thought was still lingering on what Fu Jinyan had just said to her.

What do you mean

Is it testing her?

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