On the dark side of the road, Tang Jinshe is wearing a bag of contraceptives. Her eyes are dim, and she only steps to the intersection with cold and numb feet

The back is lonely.

The night wind blows, and the camphor trees beside the road make the sound of "sand".

The emerald green leaves flutter with the wind. Even in the approaching full of cold, they have not faded their vibrant colors, and become a rare green in the withered and withered world.

Soon, Tang Jinshe walked to the intersection.

And on the roadside tens of meters behind her, the black Maybach always plays the role of guardian, not far behind her slowly

It was only after seeing Tang Jinshe get on the bus that it also speeded up the driving speed.

From beginning to end, Maybach has been following downkinser's car.

Make sure that don's car is in its sight.


In the hotel.

Tang Jinshe only opened the door of the suite with the room card in front of her. The memories that frightened her swarmed in and dragged her to the place where, for her, nightmares began!


It's the sound of the door lock being opened.

Tang Jinshe, standing in the living room, suddenly turned around to look at it, just opposite Fu Jinyan, who was following her all the way.

A black suit, after the baptism of frost, makes the whole person seem more cold and heavy

He, why did he come so soon?

Seeing this, Tang Jinshe was stunned. His black and bright pupils widened slightly, as if he had lost focus for a short time. He was confused and puzzled.

According to common sense, he sent Ling Xue home and turned back to the hotel. Even if there was a red light on the road, he could not have come to the hotel so soon?

Unless He used the car as a racing car all the way and drifted over!

Besides, shouldn't he stay at Lingxue tonight? After all, that's his real girlfriend. Why would he call her to the hotel?

Is it because Ling Xue's physiological period is not convenient these days?

That's why you came to her?


Tang Jinshe stood in the same place, but in her heart, she had no courage to ask these questions.

There was silence in the room.

Looking at that in the porch, the movement is elegant, the posture is dignified, gives the polished leather shoes to the man who changes one by one, Tang Jin SE's heart also along with an inch of tight!

It seems that Ling Xue said nothing wrong. If there is a substitute like her in a critical moment, it can help her solve many problems

Thinking of this, Tang Jinshe's eyes are dim and he sneers at himself in his heart.

How long will she continue to break through the moral bottom line

The feeling of trembling and fear, every time, seems to be able to tear her whole body, pain, spread to her four limbs!

Let her be ashamed, angry, and bitter, as a walking corpse, leaving only a remnant without soul.

"Da Da... "

The sound of men's footsteps coming to the living room soon rang in the room, and then, slowly and steadily, like stepping on the tip of Tang Jinshe's heart, she could not help shivering.

Cold sweat came out of her white forehead.

A warm wet feeling came out of the halo

Can be in the high tension of Tang Jinshe, but still don't know, only when the man is going to follow, suddenly a side, subconsciously want to avoid.

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